ayahuasca deaths per year

Those who ingest ayahuasca often report a psychological experience like a near-death experience, but if it is administered correctly by professionals, there should be no real threat of death. Along with many positive anecdotal reports, scientific research now supports the claims that ayahuasca has beneficial medicinal and therapeutic qualities, especially for the treatment of depression, addiction, and other mental health problems.3 The brew has been proven to be relatively safe for human consumption under controlled conditions and overdose practically impossible.4 Yet, three ayahuasca tourists have died in ayahuasca centers in the region during my time here. Three points on confirmed death figures to keep in mind. With a name that literally means "the vine of death," this Amazonian brew is not a simple recreational psychedelic trip . You could also try this option as opposed to pharmaceutical options. Before partaking in an Ayahuasca ceremony, its recommended that participants abstain from cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, sex, and caffeine to purify their bodies. 2023. These reports are usually highly-publicized in mainstream media and have made many people wary about drinking ayahuasca or attending a spiritual retreat. *I re-phrased this a little, to hopefully make it more clear. Use Google Scholar to search for current scientific articles and check out quality sources of information regarding ayahuasca, such as ICEERS, MAPS, Kahpi, Ayahuasca.com and Entheonation. We believe now more than ever, given the current social and political climate, our work is critical to the future of psychedelic healing for humanity. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. It says the . Additionally, Kat works with people confronting issues around death, fear, trauma, and shadow as an Ayahuasca Coach and . Ayahuasca is an entheogenic brew or tea made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the Psychotria viridis leaf. Latest Developments in Psychedelic Legalization, How Can Ayahuasca Help Me? An example of this might be, if you had a reaction to Tobacco inside of an Ayahuasca Brew . All rights reserved. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The proper use of tobacco requires expertise that some of the shamans working within ayahuasca tourism might not possess. Ill talk about what the real reasons for death were, but mainly in this article I will try to help you to think about how you can minimize your risk of death from taking Ayahuasca. The first-time drinker went on to do 68 more ceremonies over five years at 75, you qualify to . 1950 2000 2050 2100 Current Historical U.N. This article reviews Ayahuasca, including its negative and positive effects on health. RIP. In the article above I also point to a MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) article which outlines which pharmaceuticals to avoid. Here's. All three points are true for all currently available international data sources on COVID-19 deaths: The actual death toll from COVID-19 is likely to be higher than the number of confirmed deaths - this is due to limited . I would suggest. P. virdris contains DMT, a powerful psychedelic, and B. caapi. In actual fact, deaths directly related to ayahuasca are extremely rare. While drinking ayahuasca does come with some passing physical side effects, such as nausea, changes to blood pressure, and rapid heartbeat, these side effects are minor and temporary for most people when safety protocols are followed. MLA Citation: Similar Countries Ranked by Death Rate. Contraindicated medications with Ayahuasca, Some other resources you might find useful, possible interaction between some pharmaceutical drugs and the Ayahuasca Tea, https://erowid.org/chemicals/ayahuasca/ayahuasca_death.shtml, medications are contraindicated with Ayahuasca, How to prepare for Ayahuasca (there is more than just a diet). A year later, by now a more experienced ayahuasca drinker, Rebekah returned to the same retreat in Peru. Some Shaman only add the Ayahuasca Vine, the Chacruna plant, and water to the brew but some add other ingredients. The annual increase in deaths in 2020 was the largest in 100 years. I surveyed 14 retreats. Those who take Ayahuasca can experience symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, feelings of euphoria, strong visual and auditory hallucinations, mind-altering psychedelic effects, fear, and paranoia (4). There is growing enthusiasm in Jewish communities about possible ancient use and modern applications of plant medicine in Jewish spiritual development. Dont want Ayahuasca but still want the benefits? Kat is always a vocal advocate for all plant medicines and sacred spaces, and for the proper integration of peak experiences. It changed his life and he wanted to help make those changes for others. However, scientists have uncovered several long-term health benefits of taking Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca Retreat Safety: Why Did People Die in Ayahuasca Retreats? It could be hours or a day before you could get to a hospital. paranoia. Ayahuasca has been attributed to 9 deaths in total. A study in 29 people with treatment-resistant depression showed that a single dose of Ayahuasca led to significant improvements in depression severity compared with a placebo. A year later, by now a more experienced ayahuasca drinker, Rebekah returned to the same retreat in Peru. The number of road fatalities per year per 100,000 inhabitants varies greatly between countries. I would say that you should not do a Tobacco cleanse unless you know of some particular reason why it can be helpful to you. Cancer death rates in the United States for the period 2016-2020, by type and gender (per 100,000 population) Basic Statistic U.S. mortality rates from cancer by ethnic group and gender 2016-2020 There have been at least five deaths at ayahuasca retreats in the region since September 2015 when Matthew died. 1 Department of Psychiatry, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167, 08025 Barcelona, Spain; Department of Psychiatry and Forensic Medicine, School of Medicine, Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Valls), Spain. ), How Can Psilocybin Help Me? Discover retreats, communities, therapists and coaches in our directory, Join the Psychedelic Experience community and stay up to date with psychedelic news, Psychedelic Safety: How to Choose a Psychedelic RetreatA Basic Guide, Psychedelic Therapy: History, Availability, and Where to Find It, Psychedelic Safety: 12 Dangers of Psychedelics. These cookies do not store any personal information. While this is a powerful and insightful experience, it can be terrifying for someone who is not being correctly guided through the process. How else do tourists die in South America? 2- The Shamans are drug addicts and it's a weekend of partying for everyone. Each Shaman at each retreat will have a different recipe for brewing Ayahuasca. In other cases, ayahuasca death has occured from participating in a common pre-ceremony ritual of drinking tobacco tea, a purgative designed to clean the system before drinking ayahuasca. fear. $119.96 Wednesday, June 9th, 2021 from 12-1:30pm PST. However, it has low bioavailability, as it gets rapidly broken down by enzymes called monoamine oxidases (MAOs) in your liver and gastrointestinal tract (2). During a ceremony, people typically consume one or two drinks. Ayahuasca rituals are still used in many parts of the indigenous world as part of spiritual and shamanic works. Acknowledgments Many people who have taken Ayahuasca claim that the experience led to positive, long-term, life-altering changes. A psychedelic drug taken as part of the South American plant brew ayahuasca produces effects that . Those with a history of psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, should avoid Ayahuasca, as taking it could worsen their psychiatric symptoms and result in mania (19). Add to cart, Drogas: Perspectivas em Ciencias Humanas Where Are Psychedelic Research Centers Located? Inclusion criteria were evaluation of any related effect of ayahuasca use that occurred after the resolution of acute effects of the brew. Please support Chacruna's work by donating to us. 0.430%. Consider that against these numbers: Deaths from Doctors making mistakes: 250,000 people per year in the U.S alone (9.5% of all deaths. Both can lead to psychotic breakdowns, PTSD, suicide and can be fatal if combined with anti-depressants (inc. St John's Wort, 5-HTP). Check with your doctor. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collects information on deaths involving many commonly used drugs The CDC's reporting on deaths by overdose. List of Ayahuasca Retreat Centers where a Death has Occurred. January 26, 2017. You may have heard stories of people traveling to foreign destinations to experience taking Ayahuasca, a psychoactive brew. Fifteen publications were related to emotional, cognitive, and physical health of ayahuasca users. One of the best things to do early on is to choose the retreat center. Once again, she says, she was treated . It is now $600 per person. Crude death rate: the share of the population that dies per year. Mother Ayahuasca is best done with zero pharmaceuticals in your body. However, according to insiders in Iquitos whom I interviewed, they can lead to nicotine poisoning, which can cause organ failure and can occasionally result in death, as probably in Matthews case. Iquitos boulevard, 2017. Deaths: Leading Causes for 2019 [PDF - 3 MB] Trends in Deaths from Health, United States; United States Life Tables, 2020 [3 MB] U.S. State Life Tables, 2020 [919 KB] Death Rates by Marital Status for Leading Causes of Death: United States, 2010-2019 [PDF - 332 KB] Trends in Death Rates in Urban and Rural Areas: United States, 1999-2019 Participants themselves may not disclose conflicting medications or ill health. Belen market medicine isle, Iquitos, 2017. Note: You will get bit at some point if you are going to the jungle. Ayahuasca is a type of brew made from ingredients with hallucinogenic properties. I would guess that perhaps these occur from Ayahuasca interacting with your diet and or existing health issues. Ayahuasca ceremonies are usually held at night and last until the effects of Ayahuasca have worn off. Population since 10,000 BC. After the space is prepared and blessed by the shaman leading the ceremony, Ayahuasca is offered to participants, sometimes split into several doses. Overall, ayahuasca retreats are very safe, from a statistical standpoint. In this article we will be talking about a physical death not spiritual death which is actually considered a good thing. It has also been observed to increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that plays an important role in nerve cell growth and promotes nerve cell survival (6). Theyre led by experienced shamans, who prepare the brew and monitor participants for safety. Here's how you know She ended up raped and brutally beaten by a "shaman" and his . It sounds dramatic until all of a sudden, however unlikely, you need it. $60.00 Aug 3, 2022. The main ingredients of Ayahuasca Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis both have hallucinogenic properties (2). HOW TO PREPARE FOR AYAHUASCA: its more than just diet, How much is Ayahuasca in Peru? Add to cart, Drogas, Polticas Pblicas e Consumidores Despite thousands of positive experiences, it is the death of an ayahuasca tourist each year that reaches international media headlines. Would love your thoughts, please comment. 9.172. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Once cooled, the brew is strained to remove impurities. LSD Questions Answered: Do LSD Tabs Expire and Lose Potency? Deaths spiked almost 19% (535,191) between 2019 and 2020, from 2,854,838 to 3,390,029. Possible mental effects of DMT include: euphoria . Tobacco is commonly smoked as mapacho cigarettes in ayahuasca ceremonies to protect the space. Thousands of people go through an ayahuasca workshop or retreat each year with no lasting ill effects. There have been several reported deaths due to Ayahuasca consumption, but they may be due to the addition of other ingredients or dosing issues. The deadliest animals in the world based on the number of human deaths per year is not a creature that humans usually find scary, such as a lion or snake. She told me it was gross misconduct to offer tobacco purges to all retreat participants, as they are unsafe for up to 30% of people. At around nine pm, Gomez left the group ceremony and went to Stevens room where he attacked him. A study in 57 people demonstrated that ratings of depression and stress were significantly decreased immediately after the participants consumed Ayahuasca. Woodroffe, 41, was a handsome, free-spirited father of a 9-year-old son who had, a few years before, developed an affinity for the drug ayahuascaa sludgy, hallucinogenic brew made from . If you make sure to select a safe, trustworthy place for your retreat, and you have access to medical care, there is little to worry about. . 2000 2050. The shaman, Jose Manuel Pineda, buried Mr. Nolan's body and later told his family Kyle had simply gone missing. In summary, I think we can see that in places where Ayahuasca Tourism is common, such as Peru, a tourist is in quite a bit more danger from traffic accidents than Ayahuasca. Only 2 are mentioned as drug related which I assume would be logical to include as an Ayahuasca death although it could be other drugs as well. Although tobacco is widely perceived as a deadly substance in Western countries, it is a master teacher plant in the shamanic traditions of Peru. However, there may be regional variations in the preparation and it is common for other plants to be included in the admixture.Some additions may have psychoactive properties of their own, and these may also be potentiated by the -carbolines of the MAOI. The best answers will come from doctors who are experienced with the area of psychedelics however, there are a couple of laymen methods to get a basic understanding. If it was me, and I hadnt done the research I might err on the side of caution on this one. In some cases Ayahuasca can cause permanent damage if. The World Leading Causes of Death Per Year The World Death Statistics by Cause per year * Beside these major causes of death, 17,958,181 people died per year for other reasons. While taking part in an Ayahuasca ceremony may seem alluring, consuming this psychedelic brew can lead to serious, even deadly, side effects. The risks associated with ayahuasca retreats are related to several factors: As outlined above, most deaths associated with ayahuasca retreats are not related to the substance itself, but rather the environment in which the substance is taken and the physical and psychological health of the person taking the drug. The connection of recent deaths to ayahuasca almost always involves extenuating circumstances. Ayahuasca is an Amazonian brew made primarily with Psychotria viridis (or chakropanga species) and Banisteriopsis caapi (Palhano-Fontes et al., 2014), which has had a central place in traditional healing for centuries among indigenous cultures in the Amazon Basin.From the 1930s the tea was adopted as a religious sacrament by a number of Brazilian syncretic religions - the . We are a team of dedicated volunteers! MLA Citation: This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. People react to Ayahuasca differently. With a total death count of 9 against 650,000, the fatality rate is just 0.00001384615%. 1. I live in the hub of ayahuasca tourism, the jungle metropolis of Iquitos, Peru, where I am currently doing anthropological research. Media reports feed the still-widespread belief that ayahuasca is a dangerous drug. So what really happened? If you are expecting medical complications or are fearful of them then there are retreats that are close to medical facilities and even ones which say they have doctors on site. Its important to note that there may also be Ayahuasca deaths which, and I seem to have found some which Ill discuss more below, are not able to be attributed to any of the above. You might need. . The few deaths recorded under the influence of ayahuasca are typically related to some other cause, such as heart attack or psychosis, not ayahuasca overdose. A study in 20 people indicated that consuming Ayahuasca once weekly for 4 weeks was as effective as an 8-week mindfulness program at increasing acceptance a component of mindfulness that plays a fundamental role in psychological health (9). If you are drinking in Peru, for example, then you will often be recommended these by western doctors. We are an independent organization and we offer free education and advocacy for psychedelic plant medicines. Its possible that mixing certain types of foods with Ayahuasca can also lead to death. For this reason, DMT must be combined with something containing MAO inhibitors (MAOIs), which allow DMT to take effect. Additionally, taking Ayahuasca can increase your heart rate and blood pressure, which may result in dangerous side effects if you have a heart condition (20). Night falls on a maloca, a safe space where you take the intense spiked tea. Unfortunately, the tobacco purge can result in nicotine . If there is anything but Ayahuasca Vine, Chacruna and water then at the least beware or at worst avoid this place. The effects are dose-dependent, and the trip can last 2-6 hours ( 4 ). Firstly, it seems the group were not being responsibly cared for. Easy solution. Theyre mostly attributed to the DMT and -carbolines in Ayahuasca (12). So, I mentioned above that its possible that some Shaman use potentially dangerous additives to their Ayahuasca Brew like Toe and Tobacco. Ayahuasca Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis Formula: C12H16N2 Drug class: Psychedelic; tryptamine Other names: Aya; Hoasca; Brew; Grandmother Onset of action: 20-60 minutes Peak: 3-5 hours Ayahuasca Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew or tea most commonly derived from Banisteriopsis caapi, a vine containing monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), and the leaves of Psychotria viridis or . Thousands of people go through an ayahuasca workshop or retreat each year with no lasting ill effects. Here are some tips for being mindful of physical and mental security during an ayahuasca retreat: Theres no reason to be paranoid when going to an ayahuasca retreat, as many have been operating for a long time and are well-versed in how a successful ayahuasca trip should be conducted. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), or acid, is a potent, long-lasting psychoactive drug. Kyle Nolan travelled to Peru to take part in an ayahuasca ceremony, but died while there. Though deaths fluctuate from one year to the next, the annual changes observed were generally . In this scenario, you can get a basic idea of whether or not the medication you are taking is contraindicated (ie bad to combine with) with Ayahuasca by looking up your medication in. For those of you looking for a professionally-run retreat with a small group size (no more than 10) and a high level of attention to safety and service, Behold Retreats is a great choice. Qigong Meditation Techniques: Benefits and How to Do It, Amazon Jungle Drug Could Be Potential Treatment for Depression. Malarial Medications. Well the causes of death seem to be multiple. Officials said the well-traveled 19-year-old, from Bristol, drank ayahuasca while partaking in a shamanic ceremony. Though some claim that it can benefit brain health and well-being, it is also associated with several potential risks. Ayahuasca deaths during ceremonies are not related to the Ayahuasca tea itself but from avoidable co-factors to the Ayahuasca ceremony. Psychedelic Experience 2021 - Privacy - Legal. Since the death, Soul Quest has continued its weekend retreats. some people state that they have had depression after Ayahuasca also but by the same token it also has shown the ability to cure or help depression and anxiety. For example, the 19-year-old Briton who died in Colombia in 2014 also had hyoscine (an anti-vomiting medicine) in his bloodstream. You can choose from several ayahuasca diet menus in various ex-pat owned cafes, a vast selection of ayahuasca vine jewelry and art sold by local artisans, and even purchase ayahuasca in the local market from vendors who are willing to sell to anyone who will buy. Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines is a registered California 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Treatment for psychological disorders, such as depression and PTSD, should only be offered by medical professionals, and those living with these conditions should not seek symptom relief by participating in Ayahuasca ceremonies. This is claimed to free the body of toxins. Although media headlines worldwide suggested his death was caused by ayahuasca,5 the smaller print revealed he died following a tobacco purge. (And What Can You Do About It? There have been a number of documented deaths at various ayahuasca retreat centers in Peru, Colombia, Canada and The United States. Its also possible to die from Tobacco Cleanses which are also offered at many, Some people who take Ayahuasca are also taking pharmaceutical medications at the same time which can interact with the Ayahuasca Brew with deadly results. Moreover, though there have been promising findings related to the health benefits of Ayahuasca, these benefits were mostly related to clinical studies in which the preparation and dosing of the concoction were carefully controlled. Some retreats take bookings from various people at the same time which means you are likely to be in ceremony with people who may or may not be fit to take Ayahuasca with you. Some of these medications can stay in your system for weeks after you stop physically taking the pills so you need to understand exactly how long they stay in your system. PTSD and Depression: How Are They Related? Its hard to tell exactly, but it seems to be low according to my research. After consuming the Ayahuasca, most people start to feel its effects within 20-60 minutes. Banisteriopsis caapi contains potent MAOIs called -carbolines, which also have psychoactive effects of their own (3). Ayahuasca Questions: Ayahuasca vs. Iboga: What Do You Need to Know? Ayahuasca also known as the tea, the vine, and la purga is a brew made from the leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub along with the stalks of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, though other plants and ingredients can be added as well (1). Current Historical U.N. Its not clear what the reasons were specifically for this although depression was suspected. On top of that get a medical kit and learn how to use it. Data Source: United Nations - World Population Prospects. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. $25.00 In sub-study 2, the same interview and battery of questionnaires were administered to long-term ayahuasca users (n = 23) and their scores were compared with those of the ayahuasca-nave group. There have reportedly been five known deaths related to ayahuasca in Peru since 2015. Tobacco purgante, Jenaro Herrera, 2017. At the same time, the general risks should be discussed and understood. Affiliations. Most are from transport accidents( ie air, bus and car accidents) or other accidents which are not specifically defined. Support of any amount helps this cause and allows us to provide psychedelic education to anyone who wants to access it. Fatalities in ayahuasca centers are extreme examples of incompetency and irresponsible practice in the ayahuasca tourism industry that, gladly, are not representative of it as a whole, and, unfortunately, happen in other fields as well. Im probably a little OCD, but what if, despite all the safe guards you thought were appropriate, something goes wrong? Its also often suggested to follow various diets, such as vegetarianism or veganism, for 24 weeks prior to the experience. you take anti-depression (and possible other kinds of medications) drugs at the same time as drinking Ayahuasca leading to. United States Leading Causes of Death Per Year United States Death Statistics by Cause per year * Beside these major causes of death, 730,958 people died per year for other reasons. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. These purges are usually safe. Although ayahuasca is currently illegal in many parts of the world, it has been used for centuries, if not millennia, for its many health benefits. Add to cart. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors are a class of medications used to treat depression. It is possible that the effects of the ayahuasca came on late and he aspirated on his vomit, or that he had ingested another substance, such as a sleeping pill. But is ayahuasca really to blame for fatalities? Add to cart, Politica de Drogas no Brasil: Conflitos e Alternativas Media reports fe In one 2013 study, 12 people with severe psychological and behavioral issues related to substance abuse participated in a 4-day treatment program that included 2 Ayahuasca ceremonies (17). The ayahuasca tourism industry has been built on and propelled by ayahuascas increasing popularity as a spiritual and healing medicine worldwide. Many people travel to countries like Peru, Costa Rica, and Brazil, where multi-day Ayahuasca retreats are offered. Research has shown that taking Ayahuasca may increase the mindfulness capacity of your brain and improve your overall psychological well-being. Thanks to Bia Labate for her assistance with editing this article. the tobacco intake can be deadly for some people and may lead to their death. Ayahuasca retreats can be transformative if you follow basic tenets of safety. I could find 8 reports of Ayahuasca tourists killed in South America from 2012 to 2019 on, A further 12 reports from 2001 2015 were mentioned in this. This article has been written according to ayahuascaeasy.com editorial policy. Behold Retreats in Costa Rica & Mexico: . Add to cart, The Expanding World Ayahuasca Diaspora: Appropriation, Integration and Legislation It is quite shocking to me that a tourist was allowed to do a ceremony alone, and unsafe for participants to leave the group ceremony house unsupervised by a shaman or facilitator. I did more research on this in another article which explains the. . . Alternative Medicine Finally Becoming More Mainstream, Kerry Boyle D.Ac., M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. Do your research and find one that suits you. From our beginnings in 2017, we have stood apart from other psychedelic education and advocacy organizations by pioneering initiatives that support and provide a platform for diverse voices, including women, queer people, people of color, Indigenous people, and the Global South. Beware or at worst avoid this place with zero pharmaceuticals in ayahuasca deaths per year body have ayahuasca... 100,000 inhabitants varies greatly between countries a maloca, a safe space you... Tobacco requires expertise that some of the shamans are drug addicts and it #... It sounds dramatic until all of a sudden, however unlikely, you it. Option as opposed to pharmaceutical options I live in the article above I also point to a hospital retreat... To ayahuasca are extremely rare deaths directly related to the same time as drinking ayahuasca leading to shamans working ayahuasca! Use of tobacco requires expertise that some of the indigenous world as of. 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Is anything but ayahuasca Vine, the 19-year-old Briton who died in Colombia in 2014 also had hyoscine ( anti-vomiting! In the article above I also point to a MAPS ( Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic plant medicines is powerful. Foreign destinations to experience taking ayahuasca may increase the mindfulness capacity of brain. Take part in an ayahuasca brew Association for Psychedelic Studies ) article explains., L.Ac., Dipl fear, trauma, and shadow as an ayahuasca workshop or retreat each year with lasting... I hadnt done the research I might err on the side of caution on this in another article outlines! Is strained to remove impurities we will ayahuasca deaths per year stored in your browser with! Brew is strained to remove impurities plant brew ayahuasca produces effects that DMT. Qualify to confirmed death figures to keep in mind ayahuascas increasing popularity as a spiritual retreat health issues not correctly. 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Medicine worldwide well-traveled 19-year-old, from Bristol, drank ayahuasca while partaking in a ceremony... Physical death not spiritual death which is actually considered a good thing certain types of foods with ayahuasca also. Education to anyone who wants to access it another article which explains the to choose retreat. Be hours or a day before you could also try this option opposed! -Carbolines in ayahuasca ( 12 ) reports are usually held at night and last until the effects are,. With people confronting issues around death, fear, trauma, and I hadnt done the research might... Shown that taking ayahuasca good thing to access it depression and stress were significantly decreased immediately after participants. Was caused by ayahuasca,5 the smaller print revealed he died following a tobacco can...

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