cloudkit share data between users

You could solve this by creating a CKRecord that contains a CKAsset which is the file that you want to share. So, an offline mode must be carefully considered. Once youre in this section, you need to specify the container you want to see. Should I include the MIT licence of a library which I use from a CDN? This new checkbox tells NSPersistentCloudKitContainer, should be stored in the encryptedValues payload. At the top right is the edit button, which presents a modal to edit your destinations caption and description. The largest and most up-to-date collection of courses and books on iOS, CloudKit Notifications provide the means to find out when records have been updated by another client. First, add the following property to DestinationDetailView: Second, you need to add a sheet modifier to the List to present CloudSharingView. Tap the shared object to go to the detail screen. Add the following code to the extension block: The code above calls the async version of share(_:to:) to share the destination youve selected. If you attempt to select record type as CD_Destination and query records from here, you receive an error stating Field recordName isnt marked queryable. However, network conditions and performance constraints can cause individual notifications to be dropped, or multiple notifications to intentionally coalesce into a single client notification. wherever you need to customize your user interfaces. Sets the title of the share, using the caption of the. This takes you to a screen to add a recent destination you visited. CloudKit provides much more functionality on top of this, especially for sophisticated data models, public sharing, advanced user notification features, and more. Depending on the context, you may wish to assign a higher qualityOfService and handle these situations yourself. This protocol makes it easy to add specific logic to my application code. To get the most out of this session, check out our previous videos on NSPersistentCloudKitContainer: "Using Core Data With CloudKit" from WWDC19 and "Sync a Core Data store with the CloudKit public database" from WWDC20. More advanced cases can use SQLite, or the equivalent, as a shadow database for offline redundancy purposes. where my friends and I can share our photos with each other. In theory, you needed only three steps. These silent pushes happen entirely without user visibility or interaction, and as a result, dont require the user to enable push notification for your app, saving you many potential user-experience headaches as an app developer. Download iOS 13.0+ iPadOS 13.0+ Xcode 13.0+ Mac Catalyst 13.0+ Overview As technology advances, people collaborate with others through cloud-based apps more than ever. Due to network latency, airplane mode, and such, CloudKit will internally handle retries and such for operations at a qualityOfService of utility or lower. Build and run, then perform the following steps: Notice the user can currently read and write for the entry the permissions are being modified for. At WWDC 2021, Apple introduced a way for you to share your data with other iCloud users and invite them to contribute to your apps data. At least one real device To send and accept share invitation(s). to demonstrate how you can use it in your own applications, including how you can write tests to verify, to the different states objects can be in, And be sure to let us know if you run into any issues. The SharingProvider protocol makes it easy to test these decision points by injection. So let's take a look at exactly how NSPersistentCloudKitContainer shares objects. Finally, I'll tap Send to send the email. to test these decision points by injection. With this code in place, navigate back to DestinationDetailView.swift to present CloudSharingView. The UICloudSharingController class provides a pre-built view controller which handles much of the work involved in gathering the necessary information to send a share link to another user. Fetching a record by name is very straightforward. and the other using the .shared database scope. This is a cute trick in Swift that allows me to simply check. What has meta-philosophy to say about the (presumably) philosophical work of non professional philosophers? What is the easiest way to share files between users with CloudKit? I can see my new album with the photo I shared. Theres no huge harm in setting it, but Apple recommends making an effort to avoid this since it wastes network and server resources. Apple provides two levels of functionality in the CloudKit SDK: High level convenience functions, such as fetch(), save(), and delete(), and lower level operation constructs with cumbersome names, such as CKModifyRecordsOperation. The exact version of the record you tried to save. they would see my two zones that I share with them, and any other zones they are a participant on, So how does NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. Change the permission to View only. If necessary, you then pass the updated server record to CloudKit to write the new record. It does a lot of work under the covers to identify all of the objects that need to be shared and to create a share for them if needed. When the app comes up, youll notice the shared journal entry doesnt show up. Toptal handpicks top iOS developers to suit yourneeds. Im going to take a fairly deep technical dive into the CloudKit API to explore ways you can leverage this technology to make awesome multi-device apps. 2 Reviews. was to tell NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. It is important to be aware that when a share recipient accepts a share they are actually receiving a reference to the original record in the owners private database. Swift 5.6 | iOS 15 | Xcode 13 Table of Contents In a more sophisticated application, you may wish to take advantage of the predicate to narrow the scope of a particular CKQuerySubscription, and you may wish to review the other subscription types available under CloudKit, such as CKDatabaseSuscription. It has a wide variety of actions I can take. The end goal is not only to display shared entries but also to get information about the people participating in the share. A user of an app could, for example, make one or more records accessible to other users so that they can view and, optionally, modify the record. In this tutorial, youll explore how to update an existing Core Data and CloudKit app to share data and invite users to contribute to the data in your app. But our applications are usually designed to manage large collections of data. Thus, your AppDelegate should call application.registerForRemoteNotifications in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions and implement didReceiveRemoteNotification. How can I change a sentence based upon input to a command? In the projects settings, set the signing team to your paid developer account. I've configured it to be an optional Transformable attribute and checked this new Allows Cloud Encryption checkbox. Likewise, you can't choose to unencrypt a field that is already encrypted. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? How might I do that? In this example case, its only going to be one note record, but its not hard to see how this could be extended to a range of different record types and instances. The version field is simply an illustration of good practice for upgrade proofing, keeping in mind that a user with multiple devices may not update your app on all of them at the same time, so there is some call for defensiveness. with their role, permissions, and acceptance state. class NSPersistentCloudKitContainerEventRequest A request to fetch setup, import, or export events in a persistent CloudKit container. From the home screen, open Settings. On Jermaine's device now, I'll accept the new share. At the moment, when you launch the app, entries in your journal all look the same. into instances of CKRecord that are stored in CloudKit. CloudKit app require a few items to be enabled on the Capabilities Pane of the Xcode Target: iCloud (naturally), including the CloudKit checkbox, Push Notifications, and Background Modes (specifically, remote notifications). NSPersistentCloudKitContainer includes a number of API methods to align with each of these concerns. CloudKit prefixes your entities with CD to distinguish them from traditional CloudKit records. if the provided objectID is in sharedObjectIDs. Discover how to create informative experiences around shared data and learn about the CloudKit technologies that support these features in Core Data. Finally, I invoke UICloudSharingController's completion block with the results provided by NSPersistentCloudKitContainer, which tells it I'm ready to continue the sharing flow. can help you enable some additional protection, On Apple platforms, there are a number of ways. Sign in to your Apple ID. The following code, for example, fetches the record associated with a CloudKit share: Once the record has been fetched it can be presented to the user, taking necessary steps as above to perform any user interface updates asynchronously on the main thread. more complicated code than if I chose not to support sharing. Since this is a first example of using an operation, here are a couple of general observations: First, all CloudKit operations have custom completion closures (and many have intermediate closures, depending on the operation). designed to pair directly with UICloudSharingController. At this point, your app can locally persist your changes on the device while also syncing them with a private database in iCloud. However, you can get more functionality if you use a custom zone, most notably, support for fetching incremental record changes. What is the easiest way to share files between users with CloudKit? Next, I'll tap Mail and invite Jermaine and Mary. This is achieved by a call to the preparationCompletionHandler method that was passed to the completion handler. When you create a destination, the data is being persisted via Core Data locally in your app. Figure 48 3, for example, shows a share link loaded into the Mail app ready to be sent: When a user receives a share link and selects it, a dialog will appear providing the option to accept the share and open it in the corresponding app. In addition to sending a share link, the app must also be adapted to accept a share and fetch the record for the shared cloud database. if I change this line of code to use an existing share, NSPersistentCloudKitContainer will attempt to assign. See the solution below: [spoiler title=Solution 1] He loves solving hard problems. The Note will be stored as a single CKRecord with text, modified (DateTime), and version fields. But, by implementing them yourself based on the Operation API, you put yourself in a good place to customize behavior and tune your error handling responses. However, CloudKit gives you the tools you need for this. In this article, Ill demonstrate how to use CloudKit to keep a users data in sync between multiple clients. uses Record Zone Sharing to share managed objects. We've enabled adoption of encrypted values. - Accepting a shared note will now move it to the top level of your notes folder - Fixed a bug where clicking on the month name on macOS shifted the calendar weeks - Improved website titles when pasting a web link in NotePlan - iCloud Drive sync is now hidden as a sync option for new users since Cloudkit provides a better sync experience I'm going to be using our sample application. Is something like this (or even better) available with the new CloudKit? Tapping that brings up the set of participants. This is a cute trick in Swift that allows me to simply check if the provided objectID is in sharedObjectIDs. For example, this user may have a private zone. Amazing! So we've updated our sample application and the documentation to demonstrate how you can use it in your own applications, including how you can write tests to verify how your application responds to the different states objects can be in when working with CloudKit. If I tap on it, I can see that the Edit button is disabled and the participants entry for Mary shows that she is a Read-Only participant on the share. Were you able to figure it out? and the participants entry for Jermaine shows. Youll use the default share when you present the CloudSharingView. Theres just one catch: This controller is a UIKit controller, and your app is SwiftUI. informative user interfaces for our users. Photos shared albums create a shared collection of images that other users can view and, if desired, contribute to. Add the following modifier to the Button: With this code in place, only users with the proper permissions can perform actions like editing or deleting. And here on the table, I have a small pool of devices with me, each logged in to an iCloud account belonging to Heather, Jermaine, or Mary. The code above stores a reference to each store when its loaded. How did StorageTek STC 4305 use backing HDDs? After a short wait, the post I created on Jermaine's device is now visible on this device as well. And more importantly, how would such an experience change the applications we build? The values all conform to CKRecordValue, but these, in turn, are always one of a specific subset of familiar data types: NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, and so on. Once youve completed that task, set showShareSheet, which presents CloudSharingView, to true. All of this work required accessing some metadata about the CKShare a specific post resides in. If it is, then this object is already shared. CloudKit organizes data via a hierarchy of classes: CKContainer, CKDatabase, CKRecordZone, and CKRecord. The CKShare object may also be configured with title and icon information to be included in the share link message. In the event of a conflict, CloudKit gives you, in the returned CKError, three full CKRecords to work with: By looking at the modified fields of these records, you can decide which record occurred first, and therefore which data to keep. Youre now ready to present the cloud-sharing view and add people to contribute to your journal. For our purposes, a single view application containing a UITextView with the ViewController as its delegate will suffice. Open CoreDataStack.swift. These can be normal push notifications familiar to iOS users (such as sound, banner, or badge), or in CloudKit, they can be a special class of notification called silent pushes. Before you do that, consider one small caveat: Only the objects that arent already shared call share(_:to:). Prior to the release of iOS 10, the only way to share CloudKit records between users was to store those records in a public database. And I'd like to show you one specific call site. depending on whether or not they are the owner of those zones. Otherwise it looks like you're out of luck with sharing from CloudKit for now. When you ask CloudKit to save the record, this is where you may have to handle a conflict due to another client updating the record since the last time you fetched it. Heres Apples sample project on Synchronizing a Local Store to the Cloud. Although this adds complexity to the client, its ultimately a far better solution than having Apple come up with one of a few server-side mechanisms for conflict resolution. This new checkbox tells NSPersistentCloudKitContainer that the value for this attribute should be stored in the encryptedValues payload of the resulting CKRecord. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. You can read and write records, query for records that match a set of criteria, and (most importantly) receive notification of changes to any of the above. Next, we'll take a deep dive into the mechanics of sharing. Photos implements a system control here in the lower left that allows me to call up an Action sheet. Heather, Jermaine, Percy, and Mary are all test accounts I regularly work with when I'm building sharing features. Participants can have different roles and permissions that constrain how they can act on a particular set of objects, which brings us to the second key concept: how NSPersistentCloudKitContainer and CloudKit structure these shared objects. Build and run. With this code in place, build and run on your second device. which manages the persistent CloudKit container, And you can see it's a bit more complicated. introduced in the "What's New in CloudKit" session. Heather, Jermaine, Percy, and Mary are all test accounts. here, the shared store for my application. It checks databaseScope and determines whether its private or shared. I'll open the CoreDataCloudKitDemo managed object model, and there's a specific property on the post entity I want to show you called location. Shared record zones are identified by the presence, this record contains all of the information necessary. An error occurred when submitting your query. We'll show you how to encourage collaboration between people using your app and support those interactions with Apple frameworks. of shared objects without ever talking to the CloudKit server. I've had to make a number of changes to the user interface. No specific cutoff point is specified (a maximum of 1MB total is recommended for each CKRecord), but as a rule of thumb, just about anything that feels like an independent item (an image, a sound, a blob of text) rather than as a database field should probably be stored as a CKAsset. Amazing! Once you accept the share on the second device, its now part of your shared zone in iCloud. To change the permissions and access to this data, Apple has done all the heavy lifting for you. When the recipient taps on the share link, the app (if installed) will be launched and provided with the shared record information ready to be displayed. This class is initialized with the root CKRecord instance that is to be shared with other users together with the permission setting. It is capable of handling large file transfers seamlessly. Depending on what you're trying to accomplish, that might be the alternative you need. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. After adding a few of these customizations. Then setup deeplinking for your app. So let's look at how I've changed my application to communicate these states and privileges. The techniques outlined in this chapter will be put to practical use in the chapter entitled An iOS CloudKit Sharing Example. we can share the data our applications create. To understand these challenges a bit more clearly, we need to identify two crucial concepts for sharing. For example, the zone that NSPersistentCloudKitContainer manages. to instantiate an instance of UICloudSharingController. Before CloudKit, inconsistent behavior and weak debugging tools made it almost impossible to deliver a top quality product using the first generation iCloud APIs. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. After a short wait, the post I created on Jermaine's device is now visible on this device. These options are accessed and modified by tapping the Share Options item at the bottom of the cloud sharing controller view. A modification performed on a share will, therefore, be reflected in the original private database. Here I've chosen four friends to share the photo with. How might we build an experience like this? I left off the scaffolding for creating the sample data, but the test crafts a mixed set of managed objects that it identifies as shared or not shared by the presence of their objectID in this set. At the top level is CKContainer, which encapsulates a set of related CloudKit data. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Looking for something specific? These values are stored in a new payload on CKRecord called encryptedValues, introduced in the "What's New in CloudKit" session. It's been my pleasure to introduce just some of the changes we've made to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to support sharing. What's important is that it's way more complicated than I can easily exercise every time I want to verify a change to the table view, and trying to do so would add a lot of friction to the development process. This seems to be a good tool for that: Build apps that share data through CloudKit and Core Data. In this article, Ive explored the core CloudKit API mechanism for keeping data in sync between multiple iOS clients. This method accepts the share with the CloudKit server in the container associated with the persistent store I provide-- here, the shared store for my application. Now that youve sent an invitation to your second user, you need to set the app to accept the invitation and add the data into the shared store. than the simple injection I used in the test. Otherwise, use fetchShares(matching:) to see if you have objects matching the objectID in question. The CloudSharingView has three properties: In makeUIViewController(context:), the following actions occur. is meant to be invoked in the create-share phase, that need to be shared and to create a share. Add a destination. If you sent the invitation from a real device, that can be a simulator. after they're downloaded from the CloudKit server. Select Private Database. you're probably familiar with hierarchical sharing, NSPersistentCloudKitContainer uses a new feature in CloudKit, called Record Zone Sharing, covered in more detail, But let's take a look at how NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. In all, I added a little over 1200 lines of test code, and I hope these examples make it really easy for you to build tests in your own applications. Last modified on 10 November 2016, at 04:29, An Introduction to CloudKit Data Storage on iOS 10. Ill focus on an iOS application, but the same approach can be used for macOS clients as well. to store the objects an application creates. Share Core Data between users with NSPersistentCloudKitContainer Ask Question Asked 3 years, 7 months ago Modified 1 year, 8 months ago Viewed 3k times 16 Apple introduced the NSPersistentCloudKitContainer with iOS 13 which enable us to use CloudKit with Core Data. It's called the SharingProvider. Note also, I am using a CKQuerySubscription with a very simple always true predicate to watch for changes on the one (and only) Note record. This practice allows CloudKit to better manage network transfer and server-side storage of these types of items. fetchShares(matching objectIDs:) is new in iOS 15. and allows me to get the CKShare for a specific post. We call them the owner and the participants. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. A general guideline is to use com.company_name.bundle_identifier. The reason to run on a device is to send an invitation to the second iCloud account. Photos also allows me to view the participants on the album. The UICloudSharingController is a view controller that presents standard screens for adding and removing people from a CloudKit share record. Basic CloudKit Setup CloudKit organizes data via a hierarchy of classes: CKContainer, CKDatabase, CKRecordZone, and CKRecord. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Then, I set the BlockBasedProvider as the provider for the view controller, completing the injection. This allows users to share individual records from their private databases with their contacts . The first is the notion of a set of actors. This is a thorny problem with many gotchas and pitfalls, but users expect the feature, and expect it to work well. But in my application, I took a slightly different approach. Generally speaking, youll be working with an NSManagedObject from your view. Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? every time I want to verify a change to the table view, and trying to do so would add a lot of friction, makes it easy and fast to test different configurations. Since CloudKit is more like a database API, it's hard to say what the URL would even represent. Click Query Records to see a listing of the record(s) you created in the app earlier! manages objects in two CloudKit databases. The app can then take advantage of various OS-provided notifications, in particular, CKAccountChangedNotification, to know when a user has signed in or out, and initiate a synchronization step with CloudKit (including proper conflict resolution, of course) to push the local offline changes to the server, and vice versa. A paid developer account To use CloudKit. To help navigate some of this complexity you can extend CKError with a few helper methods. Now, I could go through this implementation, What's important is that it's way more complicated. 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