mr hollings christchurch school hampstead

They are like cockroaches. P: yes. P: And then after, papa tells us to hold the knife and then he puts his big hand on, he pushes it into the neck, cuts it and after, when its upside down, so he goes like that! I wouldnt believe that, in this time that were livin in, that such a thing could happen. Q: We cut the babys head off, then we kill the meat from the skulls and then we put all the meat and cook it. P: Thats why you have to check what day it is.(?). About a year and a half ago I have caught the children were doing something inappropriate in the little bathroom. Y5 sex leader is India. P: Know thats a lot of money. A: Who? Q: Yeah, they do! Baby sacrifice, blood drinking, dancing with the Babys skulls happen in the church on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In Mr Hollings house, they go to their houses. She, err, has a, errrm, birth marks on her boob, on her boobies. E: But where? The situation became worse around spring 2014 when Alisa was encouraging Gabriel to steal or doing it her self. Mr Hollings (teacher) has little red dots on his willy. I: You dont need a panic alarm. About half year ago Ive noticed Gabriel was touching our puppy Crystals intimate parts. (This could be done without even unlocking the iPhone). P & Q: Were going to stop touching ourselves. She flicks it. Brownies club at St Lukes church. Well, all them things are going to stop now. I: You were sufferin for this from when you were a baby? Gabriels behavior was a concern. In May-June 2014 the large amounts were taken from my credit card. If it happened in the disabled toilets he would put children on the baby changing folding board. P: Yes, on Wednesday tomorrow is, but todays (5:16) Tuesday. Killed at least 67 babies at least. In March 2009 I have started the legal proceedings, applied for the emergency non-molestation order. Really weak. Youre with humans. P: And then theres another one Alice Singleton.. On average? On Wednesdays, my children, Alisa and Gabriel have been abused by at least 60-70 people including 20 special children (the children are taught to abuse each other). Theres somethin wrong with his family. Natasza Natasza Goldsmith Agnieszka Goldsmith Peter Goldsmith 18B Ornan Road NW3 4PX 0207 794 7334 07833 904 254 07941 355 858. She moved to Fitzjohns. Christchurch Hill Q: That friend that talks about [inaudible] and your children said hey, dad theres something wrong with that chap yeah hes not, I dont know. Moreover, he was forcing them to steal for him. She would hit and kick the fridge and anyone who approached. They charge for it as well, dont they? Alex B Alexander Beaumont Alex B (now moved to Fitzjohns primary) Daniella Louis Flat 5 3 Netherhall Gdns, NW3 5RN They made you eat the flesh as well. Everybody does it. This incident was reported to the bank. 07747 559196. I: Right But you found that house, then, yeah? But the real men are coming forward now. A: And Leons father. Q: Carving the skin off. Very strange. But there aint gonna be no rocks. Theyll do EXTRA sex. P: Yes, that means touch them quickly, like, run, right at this moment. Like that. Our Address: Christ Church School Christchurch Hill Hampstead London NW3 1JH Telephone: 020 7435 1361 Fax: 020 7794 5148 Email: School office staff: Mrs Ann Connock and Ms Sylvia Lo Head teacher: Mrs Katy Forsdyke And theres CafCass, a lady called In Ella whole building, the whole building, in . Thats only the best, only the best. But its part of the standard procedure we have to tell the police what is happening. Vanessa what? When I eat hemp I feel really strong. East Finchley swimming pool is amongst other meeting spots for Satanic peadophile ring. P: Then the blood drips in. A: They are the shoe makers. Q: Mrs. Forsdyke, shes the head teacher. P: Maybe about, maybe about 20. In regards the childrens diet: they were vegetarian since birth; then vegan from about 2-3 years old. Do they sell the baby? Kate (really hairy private), Toffee spaniel dog, filming, renting house, lives on Pattison rd. P: Sophie. Killed at least 67 babies at least. P: No, his real name is Father Paul. Ms Marden (school nurse, injects children when they scream, also injects babies to sleep to be sacrificed), has large brown (5 pens coin size) moll/wart of the left lip of her front private Mr Fenoni Ms Shail Ms Shaw Ms Kate Unwin (relative of Mrs Forsdyke) Mrs Bettle Ms Ms Clover Mr Williams Mr Burnett Mr Polidano Ms Wilmer Ms Kirby And all the rest. Closest associate of Mr Dearman. And we say yes, and yes and yes. Kabol? P: Cause if they did know, they would have been in action, they would have helped. Well, they can be all the parents, but the go in other houses. Graced with an elegant spire Christ Church Hampstead sits atop one of the highest points in London. P: The police wanted to search they wanted to go to the church today. I: They wont have the party? A: They all do it? A: So thats one person your father doesnt know. Yeah, the devil one is in the middle but theres monster ones and also they have piercings. I asked can I measure it and I measured it. We know who does it. P: Just walking. They have plastic willies. The boss does it. Q: Yeah. Christ Church Hill London NW3 1JH. hand and then cut off the head. Mr Christie noticed this too. Other fathers. Designated Safeguarding Lead. Who sticks it in your bottom? 07888 749765. (JOHN 10:10) I: naah.. neither is, neither is the rest of it. Yesterday was 8th, so today is 9th September 2014. Father? The entrance is via main kitchen. Pause in Iran Hostilities Address Slurred by Evident Covert Drugging, War Crimes in Exopolitics: Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre Cites Gaia TV Execs, Dr. Michael Salla, Corey Goode and Randy Cramer, Decrypt the Matrix like an Expert with Cyberpunk 101: The Series, Pipe Bomb PSYOP Suspect Cesar Sayoc Advertised POTUS Hero Worship According to Secret Messages, Was YouTube Shooting a Terrorist Attack? And Ive lived a long life. International Tribunal enforces against Canada and United States officials for intentional Pandemic genocide. Mr Burnett has tattoos, and is shaved. Was it Social Services as well? E: Where? Q: .. of Christ Church Primary School. Mad stuff, isnt it..? They stick it on the flip flops. For the last year Gabriel was experiencing outbreaks of strong headaches, usually after school, which I thought was due to the dehydration. Well, we know that. Thats what A says. P: The babies, we send the Social Services to do it, unfortunately. P: (?) And they smack us, smack us and hurt us until we cut off the head. E: No, no, no dont rush!!! I was constantly seeking the answers to the situation, asked the school twice for the referral to the Tavistock Center (after we have attended previously), had a private consultation with the child psychologist, signed up and attended six weeks course on positive parenting and prepaid and was going to attend another advanced course on the siblings parenting (this supposed to start on 9 September 2014 but I never went because of the children disclosure, reporting to the police, children have been retained, courts, etc). Millie (dislikes sex acts and might/will talk) Y5 Millie Cowell Jacqui Warren. Look.. P: And then you take a card out. In the shoe shop in Grand Cross. Although formally, as far as I was aware he didnt see children until June-July 2014, when the contacts were ordered by the court, the children behaviors, attitudes started to worsen with the beginning of school in September 2013. A: How many schools have you been taken to? Errrm Maxs father kills baby. 07919 528817. Mr Deamans family members also abused the children: his mother Linda, sister Lisa and her husband David (Indian), brother Wayne and wife Mary. Supplies the babies. A: And what willy does she stick in .. shes a lady. Film Premiere. Its hanging on. My mother has also noticed similar things. Who have distinguishing marks? P: He wants to go, he wants to take me and Q (1:45) this Saturday, overnight to Sunday, to Sheffield. Q: After sticking willy in my bottom. And do sex too. A: Fitzpatrick. What do you remember about this building? Well you know. A: Right, anything you want to tell us about? P: We decided that we shall stop killing babies and we shall stop doing sex. A: Can you give me the names of some of these parents and teachers please? I told the school staff to remind Gabriel to drink. And when I eat , P: The first time that we ever ever done it, with papa, the first time when we done it, we had feared so much, P: When we killed a baby, the first time . Q: Oh, Paro no, no thats not where she lives .. Q: No. Q: Yeah, theres some restaurants.,,, New Earth Learning Platform for Multidimensional Knowledge with Ted Mahr & Alfred Lambremont Webre, TRACKING THE CHRONOGARCHY & THE ANTICHRIST, Carl Johan Calleman: The Living Universe A New Theory of Origins, INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL ISSUES CEASE & DESIST ORDER AGAINST WHO & 194 member nations carrying out genocide & crimes against humanity through fraudulent WHO Pandemic Treaty + International Health Regulations + Codex Alimentarius, Report Donald J. Trump is behind US Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greenes call for breakup of America. A: Are there any other distinguishing marks about her? There was about 50 seconds of the video footage on the phone. Abusers who work at Starbucks in Hampstead: Benji, Spike, Rehanna, Marlena, Rahma (all wear white willies), filming, Rahma gets babies from India, Germany, Disabled toilet. Son Clark (Y5), Lindsey (Y6) still attend the Christchurch school, 2 older daughters used to go to the Christchurch primary and are now at the other Christian church schools for secondary education: one in Finchley, another in Central London. The most wicked ones were doing terrible things to the children. P & Q: No. In 20xx, two children would make a series of claims about Satanic Ritual Abuse. Q: Yes. You said, was there Priests involved? Georgia Dix. After being injected they felt pain in their belly, dizziness, headache, numbness, weakness, and heavy limbs. Patricia (nanny) 07540 841610. One of the main abusers. When we was with papa they met and then they got better friends, and better friends and better friends and better friends. She got hairy arms. Soon after I started to take both Alisa and Gabriel to see the psychologist Charlotte Burck too. Neighbour Tatyana, French family: girls Sophia, Caroline, Rebecca I: The first sign of any trouble you go I(name) A(name) .. P: They dont know my name around there. seven short films about our school's Christian vision and values. Big patches. The children were terrorized by the abusers and have never told me until August this year (2014) while on holidays., Danial & Rafael Yilmaz, Maria Soner. Christ Church School Christchurch Hill Hampstead London NW3 1JH Telephone: 020 7435 1361 Fax: 020 7794 5148 E: No criminal investigation has been launched against the Christ Church Primary School in Hampstead UK despite the children's clear testimony, and the testimony of other parents, such as the following report from a parent at the school: "everything is completely true i am from the local Hampstead area and my children used to attend christ church Q: Trying to make us say, oh look, daddys really nice! Corresponds to: Tom Burnett Y5 class teacher Miss Unwin has a tiny wart . Pappas family, well, RDs family. What shoe shop do they work at? Ala (Italian tennis coach, works for Chandos club, sexually abuses children, comes to school and knows RD) Heres mammy, lets go and see mammy. Yeah. P: With papa. Do you know that school? A: Hi again Q. I: Sick people. P: Father Paul. P: There are some children that like them. It was said that, in P: Papa Hemp he told Jean Clement, that the solicitor said that my father wants to take us to Sheffield. 23 Spedan Close Branch Hill, NW3 7XF. Q: And then, and then, they like. A: Do I do it? Q: Yeah, and they have a secret kitchen. Mr Hollings (current teacher of Y5) - next in charge. It takes . T: 020 8478 5560 F: 020 8478 7289 Something like that. P: And all kinds of stuff like that. no, he was, P: No,35, but he was doing it when he was MUCH younger than that. Q: Everybody. About two years ago the children started to steal money from my purse to buy sweets even though I was buying their favorite healthy treats like nut and fruit bars, dried fruit yo-yos, vegan jelly beans, chocolate, cakes, ice-cream, popcorn, etc. I: Well, listen, everything is going to be all right. Booster, 60 Chalk Farm Road. But without me and Q there. Q: New End does it. Laya, Annalie daughter as you reach main junction (towards Central London) moving away from Pattison road first turn to the right, old style black and white building on the left, last entrance, top floor flat, no 27 or 28). Well start when its flashing. A: Would you tell us what happened in the church now, please, Q. Q: Yes. Q: Yeah, yeah, its like in Hampstead. Anything else shes got anything else you can remember? On his willy and like a, here. Hampstead Parochial School is involved. Cartney (dislikes sex acts and might/will talk) Cartney Duke Lidia Noronha. I cannot comment on the accuracy of the facts myself, but know readers following this story will be interested to read all the allegations being made. Then they put, . Please.. P, we can tell the truth.. Look, is this your is this papa? video titled "231 Papa kills babies" = Forsdyke and Hollings Named in the "lots and lots of sex" video: . Amlie Wessel. Afterwards the children were forced to watch the videos that the adults filmed. Mr Hollings (current teacher of Y5) next in charge. P: And shes one of them. So, he was doing it for30 years..? 07932 533675. And shes also got a pierce ring on her .. errm .. on her private. Like putting brooms sticks in the childrens bottoms and then fishing the pieces out while it caused bleeding. P: Daniel and Felix they work in the, next to the O2 Centre one, in the tube station. I:No, no, no. Lives in Highgate. Q: On Wednesday, its the day of money and they [inaudible] sex cause its the most, busiest day. 020 7435 1361 Fax, 020 7794 5148 E-mail: Head Teacher: Katy Forsdyke 5th February 2015 Dear Parents, Q: Yes. And normal animal flesh like chicken and beef. Hampstead Abuse Allegations A: Do you think your father knows these people? And he tips it upside down, and then we drain the blood. Tell me, mamma. unintelligible) he was doinit seem (?) Jake, Christopher, Polly Costa coffee on Finchley road near Swiss cottage. Q: And also the school which is by, like, you know that one where Mias house is? I: So you were saying that your Grandmother is in on it as well? 07783 880113. Galyna Upson (mother of James from Y5). Q: We do lots and lots of sex. A: What is Cafcass? Q: And Spike, Social Service, he sticks a plastic willy right up my bottom. Knew him before my children went to Christchurch school. Establishment Christ Church Primary School, Hampstead URN: 100028. A: So not all not all McDonalds are involved and not all Starbucks? Members of the cult film, edit, translate and sell the movies around Europe, Russia, Ukraine, America. Do you know the shoes like this? Natasha Yaroshovets sells, translates. I saw she was deeply unhappy. To contact the SENDCo, Mr Lewis Hollings, please contact the office. They were always well and properly nourished with the adequate amounts of healthy high quality plant based proteins, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates and essential sugars. Mr Hollings . Katie, Anna (black), John, Freddie Dinner ladies and men in school kitchen On her lips. I: yeah. 5 Windmill Hill, NW3 6RU. P: Yesterday, they had to be arrested already. 020 8455 0688, 07973 177323, 07866 622620, Paulina (nanny) 07891 703811. Alisa says that her dad asked her to write the card details for him. One of the main abusers. P: All the social services, all Cafcass. A: Can you tell me if any other person has any distinguishing marks please. P: My mum said when we were babies, like the, my father, well, RDs grandmother she was like mum I dont know mum saying that the Grandmother saying oh look at that, look at that, like all the time, when we were babies, at our private stuff. I: Right this moment, right. Yes. I: oh Singleton (Sinkleton?). Q: You know that building in, we went to with . He was touching his front private while doing this. Ms Wilmer (infant teacher) prefers babies and was the longest friends with Ricky Dearman. They put it back. Mrs Forsdyke (headmistress) her husband is involved and also supplies babies. Killed at least 67 babies at least. Unintelligible) to go to church. Those ones with the big, theyve got a big star, on the baby skin not like, its not, you can do it coloured, but its a bit see-through there. Shes the nurse, so she pretends to kind to mum and she just, says to me or Grabriel, if I hurt myself she pretends to be, like, really kind to us and, like, look after us and give us . Q: When, errm, she told me to .. when I asked her to measure it after the sex. 66 Ellesmere Rd, NW10 1JS. A: Thank you very much. Translators are high level members: Lina Cameron also sells movies. Q: And they do sex to be in a building. Shes a lesbian! A: And theres who did you mention. They are more like cockroaches than rabbits, you know. She doesnt have a willy does she? Q: And also Ella from my class and Ella from Ps class, shes not, Ella from Ps class has already moved. Shes a girl and she likes it. 07939 321611, Flat 2, 42 Great Cumberland Place. forty seven (? 07767 684862. I: So its Tuesday, 9th or 8th. What is there to see? P: (I coughs so inaudible) Pappa Hemp said he feels. Her husband is also heavily involved. Q: They pay sweeties, for sex, and bumper bags of sweets. Anything else youd like to tell us? 220 Cricklewood Lane, NW2 2PU. A: It doesnt matter. I see what you mean. P: and face our urge. Flicks it really hard and she also, like, do that. Down a bit. The adults were pushing them hard into the walls, inserting plastic strip on willies into the childrens bottoms, sometimes together with the plastic balls, and hitting them hard with their boots into the childrens privates. See theres some people in the place as well. Brings babies from South Africa and possibly sells the movies there. The ritual involves wearing special costumes: children wear 10-13 babies skulls (sometimes with blood and hair still on the skull), adults 20, on their bodies, leader 30 skulls. A: They want you to say no, that your mother doesnt feed you well. Todays the 9th September 2014. Mr Hollings Deputy Head Teacher. I: What was the name of the priest? Q: Mr Hollings, a teacher, my sisters teacher when I was in Year 3. Lewis Hollings Y4 class teacher (Senior leadership team) Annie Calkin Y3 class teacher . [really bad sound]. I: He puts your hand on yeah, yeah I see. She does the injecting, she pretends to be kind to my mum, and tries to like, say, be kind and then after she injects. P: Erm my mum says that they didnt interview my mum or Papa Hemp. Flat 1, 1 Greenaway Gardens, London, NW3 7DJ. Kabol?) Lives in Highgate. 20 Clevedon Mansions Lissenden Gardens, NW5 1QN. Q: In Hampstead and East Finchley. Thank you very much. Sometimes we cook it a frying pan. And Social Services? My god. Q: Yes, we went to Cafcass and theres a lady and once . Mr J. Gibbard . Yes. A: Lovely. One of the striking sings that I found very disturbing was kind of glaze over his eyes as if he was switching off from the reality. 622620, Paulina ( nanny ) 07891 703811 corresponds to: Tom Burnett Y5 class (. Anything you want to tell the police what is happening the sex and better friends and better friends, they! Say no, no thats not where she lives.. q: you were saying that your is! Husband is involved and also the school staff to remind Gabriel to steal or doing it years. 2, 42 Great Cumberland Place little red dots on his willy Burnett Y5 class teacher they smack us smack... And teachers please and kick the fridge and anyone who approached on the phone check... ) prefers babies and mr hollings christchurch school hampstead shall stop killing babies and we say Yes and!, Russia, Ukraine, America encouraging Gabriel to see the psychologist Charlotte Burck.... 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