puma punku in the bible

19-Mile Impact Crater Found In Greenland May Confirm Great Flood, Evidence of 700,000-Year-Old Ancient Humans Found in Philippines, Archeologists Discover Head of Roman Statue in Egyptian Tomb, 11,000-Year-Old Shigir Idol Dated Twice as Old as the Pyramids. Something doesnt add up. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. Puma Punku is a Pre-Columbian archaeological site in Bolivia that is steeped in wonder and mystery. Any guesses? It then took thousands of years for humanity to recover. There are no trees in the area, the nearest quarry is at least 10 miles away, and we have no records as to how any of this could have been done. Available at: https://amarilo.com.co/blog/especial/el-misterio-de-puma-punku/, Ancient-Wisdom, (n.d.) Puma Punku. Ancient-Wisdom. Even today, the stonework of the temple is considered so precise that ancient alien enthusiasts claim it was made by lasers and other extraterrestrial technologies.. Now, back to a real mysterypuma punku. Huge monoliths move only within the Empires, and only in the direction of their capitals. Even if it's not that old, I simply can't understand why this site isn't the focus of a "moon-shot" level of intense study given it's totally obvious implications. if i had a way, i would go visit these sites an ask for answers, not from man, but from the creator. Prior to Herodotus, no one had presented a systematic, thorough study of the past, attempting to link events with how they shaped history. Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. On a totally unrelated note, but can be linked to oral tradition so i don't think i'm outta line by posting this, but there is a group of natives living around hudson bay, in canada for those who don't know, but they have stories from oral tradition that tell of stories of the bigfoot creature as a known an living entity..BUT..it comes from a parallel dimension. As far as ancient aliens, who knows, the Sumerians clearly and bluntly state they came from the heavens, but these "aliens", would have simply been human, and probably were hiding out somewhere else on the planet. Oh yeah, on Mars. The cuts on these stones are perfectly straight. Correction: I meant to say nearly 12,000 feet altitude. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. These are big stones, and they are really heavy. The nearest quarry is at least 10 miles away from the site of the ruins. Investigating the mysteries and history of the unique ancient megalithic sites of Puma Punku and Tihuanaco, Bolivia. Archaeologists are baffled by what Puma Punku was and how it looked, said Childress. I know the voices are quiet so I listen more intently. Our tribal people consists of The Khasi, Jaintia, Bhoi, War collectively known as the Hynniewtrep (meaning 7 huts) people, also known to be one of the earliest ethnic group of settlers in the Indian sub-continent, belonging to the Proto Austroloid Monkhmer race. I assume you didn't mean they would be hand cranked. there seems to be holes drilled through the stones where some sort of fibre optic lines could run through and the stones could of held something like solar panels or some sort of shielding as for the destruction there could of been some sort of melt down ending in an explosion . Oh well, as usual I've come full circleto complete ignorance of any of it. ( Matyas Rehak /Adobe Stock). The two most revealing As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. In this isolated part of the world stand amazing smooth stone structures featuring precision-made cuts, clean right angles, and expertly fitted joints. There are so many written records of it and it's history, but scientist just won't consider these records because they don't fit into current thinking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=e2qE0lOIBtE. The second rock used was dolomite not diorite. Only a speck in the history as we know it. Yes, trees die. #83. interesting comments over the yearsFirst of all, knowledge is NEVER lost, its just not used for todays life style. I could easily tell her what was around the corner of each building. It's called KHOH RAMHAH (meaning khoh-basket and ramhah-giant). We saw what one six mile wide asteroid did to the dinosaurs. Personally, I follow the "it was us" theory. I know I my heart aches for missing my king and my people I loved so very much. Either way, when the Inca people reached the site in 1470 it was evident that Tiwanaku had been deserted for centuries. And it looks so utterly destroyed, bombarded almost, in the damage you see another link with the valley temple and the osirion in egypt, also so utterly destroyed; if it was deliberately destroyed, those guys must have been really pissed, the why of the construction is as mysterious as the why of the destruction. In western Bolivia, a dramatic collection of stones, the remains of a vast temple complex, stand guard over an arid plane. (Matyas Rehak /Adobe Stock). Archaeological evidence suggests that it once had large courtyards on the eastern and western sides and a wide courtyard at the center. While many of the structures are still standing centuries after their inhabitants disappeared, most of the buildings are scattered and broken around the area, leaving researchers to wonder what possibly could have tossed around impossibly heavy buildings. They considered Lake Titicaca as the place of origin for the creator god Viracocha. Puma Punku is just one of several stepped platform constructions that have been excavated at Tiwanaku. While Tiwanaku is very beautifully made, it's nowhere close to the level of precision at Puma Punku. PS: Some of the knowledge from the builders is probably around in the form of the engineered language Aymara. We know about cutting and moving rock. You had me interested a first. I don't think there very many masonry tools that I haven't used, or at least seen used to construct every type of building or monument in this area. There are reasons we didn't find evidence of the earlier lost civilization until recently. The production of staple food in the ancient times was a challenge for the Tiwanaku people as the environment on the Andean Plateau was usually arid yet cold. Stones stay for a long time. Tiwanaku (a.k.a. Such a society could also see the obvious advantages of building with stone. So the earth is billions of years old, and habitable to the human race for this duration. Now! Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis? To support this theory, they point to the evidence that some structures, including the Gate of the Sun, werent brought down by time or looters; they were deliberately torn down and broken. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there existcountless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts thathave yet to be discovered and explained. Thirdly: lol, thirdlythe bible is a collection of stories that the sheep herders use to tell to pass the time an someone collected them through oral tradtion an wrote them down as a collection an someone said these stories are true an gods word an what not an called it a holy book of stories an thats how the bible came to be, through oral traditions an camp fire stories. No tree has ever been seen growing that high up, in Bolivia or anywhere else. Historic photograph of the architecture on the east side of the Pumapunku platform taken by Max Uhle in 1893. Available at: https://www.theepochtimes.com/enduring-mystery-surrounds-the-ancient-site-of-puma-punku_1053085.html, Dunning, B. It has been said "we are condemned to rise, be knocked down and rise again". She did know it.. She showed me a photo in another book and sure enough- it was --- tao tewaukon. For a time, the stone portraits found at Tiwanaku were believed to depict those first humans. Please subscribe now at https://bit.ly/2DwW4BZ Puma Punku is part of a large anc. ok I may not be the brightest person on the planet but have they ever thought the place could of been some sort of powerplant ??? It's just like saying the lighthouse on the Chandeleur Islands off Louisiana didn't exist because we can't find any sign of it now (it disappeared during Hurricane Katrina). Who didnt like these noses to dothisso consistently and violently, across continents? Still, give me enough ice and I'll preserve my lexus at least as long the iceman from the Alps (5000 years). A comet that came too close to the Earth? If i had the means I will build my self a craft & explore the universe &, all what lies in it, that will be some thing then only i will know who god. when asked what he thought about how it was accomplished, he said that he had no idea. These stones, he wrote, suggest prefabrication not found at the other Tiwanaku sites. I can remember how my heart hurt because I could not imagine life anywhere else. Priests were on top of the Tiwanaku hierarchy, and they led the worship of different deities in which the sun god, Viracocha, was the head. Even a house cat can walk outside and survive. Many of them had similar myths and architectural styles that hint strongly at having common roots, something which has long puzzled archeologists. With stone-age man ruled out for building it, the pre-Incan culture is likely the culprit for building it. Although the Puma Punku megaliths are the most eye-catching aspects of the site, the majority of the architecture is made up of smaller stones. If anyone has ever seen the show "Life After People" on the History channel, its shocking how quickly a city like Manhattan would essentially disappear without a trace in only a few hundred years. Have Fun dumbasses. One thousand years of wind and rain have weathered the stones of Pumapunku, and much of the vast temple complex is entirely gone, carried away by looters and stone miners in ages past. Michael Dotterweich from Canton, Oh on September 28, 2012: Why is mainstream academia afraid to speculate on the ruins found at Pumu Punku? When an Austrian explorer named Arthur Posnansky performed a study on Puma Punku back in 1926 he put forward the idea that its one of the oldest archaeological sites on the face of Earth - dating back to at least 13,000 BC. Who knows, with intense excavations we might find all the materials we talk about under some ancient mud flow or earthquake. What you say is so true. (2010) The Non-Mystery of Pumapunku. Skeptoid Podcast. The ruins of Puma Punku are one of four structures in the ancient city of Tiahuanaco. The Egypt scene I was being shown in school around age 8 had none of that. We may add one more possible clue to this story. {{posts[0].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[1].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[2].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[3].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, Insectothopter: CIAs Dragonfly-Shaped Bug, Mokomokai: Tattooed Maori Heads And The Musket Wars, Joseph Samuel: The Man Who Couldnt be Hanged, The Mystery of Puma Punkus Precise Stonework, Scaly-foot Gastropod: The Snail With an Armor of Iron, The 1957 Plymouth Belvedere That Was Buried For 50 Years. Also, as others have pointed out, the tools would not have been left at the construction site. As for the stones, I think we both agree some power source was used to move this material from the quarry ten miles awaycut, drill and polish them and stack them in some configuration. There is no apparent semblence to what a structure may have looked like by the remains of the artifacts that lie scattered about the site and that may be because there was none. Void Discovered in Great Pyramid; Is Mainstream Egyptology Still Credible? It was also a pilgrimage site which drew the people from distant Cochabamba and Moquegua regions who travelled to dedicate sacrifices and celebrate feasts. Puma Punku is not very old. How the material arrived at the site is also a matter of debate but many experts believe that the stones were generally shipped across the lake in reed boats and then dragged overland by the large Tiwanaku workforce to reach the site. Sadly, just some 15,000 year old beautifully designed and impossibly cut ruins used as resting benches for weary llama herders. Llama skin ropes, ramps, and inclined planes, may have all been used in overland transport. Not even a razor blade can slide between the rocks. A quick examination of both sites shows major differences in building styles and the quality of stonework. The longer a civilisation can survive for the more advance it will be. He points out that the Greek Parthenon was built a thousand years before Puma Punku, and yet nobody invokes aliens as the only explanation for its great beauty and decorative detailing that more than rivals Pumapunkus angles and cuts.. The mummies of Pumapunku have another fascinating story to tell. Throughout the history of civilization, the concept of the apocalypse has been ever present, in one way or another. pushing it back a step is like Hoagland screaming about Mars all the time. This is supposed to have been achieved by a civilization that had no writing system and was ignorant of the existence of the wheel. Among the monumental architecture built by the Tiwanaku, whose civilization thrived in what is now Bolivia between 500 and 950 A.D., was a staggering complex known as the Pumapunku.For centuries . SOLVED! Where is their curiostythey're imagination? 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Let's not forget, we're talking about one million six hundred thousand pounds. Even today, the stonework of the temple is considered so precise that ancient alien enthusiasts, it was made by lasers and other extraterrestrial technologies., Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South America. Doesn't seem feasible to me. Photo credit, The numerous H-shaped blocks all match each other with extreme precision and fit into each other like Lego blocks. The most prevalent common denominator to the whispers and signs coming from all sides all around me is ( HURRY ). Fish were caught from the lake and placed in the ditches beside the rows. The site Puma Punta is a short distance from Tiwanaka which is estimated to have had a population of 20,000. Ah, yesthanks for your contribution to our scientific discussion, Terry. There is a such a DELIBERATE intricacy put into the main wall stones.it wasn't just a wallit was a statement, "see what we do, be amazed". Gain valuable insight into the meaning behind relics like the Gate of the Sun, the Kalasasaya Temple, and the Puma Punku complex. The last 10 years I have lost many hours of sleep at night due to my dreams of this. I am also writing a book called 'Beginning of u and i' - u and i are fictitious characters (hence lower case) based upon all the information availble today to start a Universe we live in today, yes alot contradiction and it takes common sense to unravel it all. To me a flood doesn't explain how the rocks are broken up in pieces smaller than marbles to Hugh pieces.It's as if the pieces of rock resemble stratnal from a bomb. saying there is no extraterrestial life out there, is like taking a cup and going to the boarder of the Atlantic ocean, scooping the cup, and saying there is no whales inside here. And while I (obviously) lean very strongly toward the Ancient Astronaut Theory, I have to say that I like Tensins' idea, even though I don't find it feasible that anyone could have done that by hand. Sharks have been relatively unchanged for 250 million except or downsizing. A huge mistake was made by the writer. I was confused and said nothing to anyone. 33 Hells Angels Photos That Put You Inside The Notorious Biker Gang, Rare Case Of Coffin Birth Found In Medieval Gravesite, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. Posnansky was one of the first modern explorers to examine the site but his hypothesis continues to have many supporters. Tiwanaku, Bolivia Bolivia - 27 January 2017: Stone walls uncovered by archaeologists at the Puma Punku section of Tiwanaku, a UNESCO world heritage site near La Paz, Tiwanaku Bolivia puma punku stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images And then one day, suddenly, the inhabitants of Pumapunku vanished and a great civilization came toppling down. Some skeptics claim that the alien theory is nonsense, leaving Puma Punku debunked. Ancient Aliens: "Pumapunku is so unique in the way it was constructed and shaped and positioned that it is the most intriguing ancient site on the planet." AA: "While the pyramids at Giza are an incredible feat of achieved, compared to Pumapunku, the pyramids are child's play." If you have a humanoid species that has been doing space travel for 5000 years, they most likly are civilized, and they are space explores, similiar to the star trek TV shows. (Note1: That the future is behind us makes perfect sense: think of sitting in a train facing backwards. Ok, Dick, life came from Mars.HOW DID IT ORIGINATE ON MARS? Vranich said the ruins were reminiscent of a giant Lego set, and he said, We attempted to capitalize on archaeologists learned ability to visualize and mentally rotate irregular objects in space by providing them with 3-D printed objects that they could physically manipulate., Gizmodo notes that Puma Punku was an advanced Andean architectural achievement. Some believe that Puma punku couldnt have been built without help from alien beings. It is the largest monolith, which people had ever moved. The architecture defies all of our preconceptions of early civilizations yet the ruins have been cast aside by researchers. The ruins of Puma Punku are said to be the most fascinating and most confusing of all: These are all questions on the minds of those researching these ancient structures, and they are not easily answerable, if they can even be answered at all. They developed raised field agriculture (also known as suka kollus) to adapt to this harsh environment. Was this German silver mine really defended by two Roman forts and a line of "spike defenses? In assembling the walls of Puma punku, each stone was finely cut to interlock with the surrounding stones and the blocks fit together like a puzzle, forming load-bearing joints without the use of mortar. Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. Up and shared. Impossible? And Terry's proof of this claim, presumably? 7 The architecture found in the ruins astounds archaeologists and historians and has inspired advanced ancient civilization and ancient alien theories. Or, maybe he just didn't ever find any students capable of fully learning what he knew, and the advanced techniques died when he did. It would seem, however,that they would either have or not have adequate power to undertake such an endeavour. The Inca people accepted those legends and added that Viracocha their creator god (and the figure depicted on the Sun Gate in their interpretation) first made humans at that site. Without a major above and below ground dig, all they have are these ridiculously perfect stones that would be hard to duplicate today. LUM SOHPETBNENG PEAK (NAVEL OF HEAVEN), 2. The red sandstone and andesite stones were cut in such a precise way that they fit perfectly into and lock with each other without using mortar. a german named posnansky spent several decades studying the site in the early 1900s, and came to the opinion that there had been assistance from extraterrestrials. It was constructed approximately in AD 536-600, however, many scientists argue that the site is much older. If he learned it, why did society largely forget his knowledge? Just for starters I don't go with any kind of alien angle and I do think that in comparatives past civilizations are routinely underestimated for their goals, drive, cognition, practice, experience and expectations. They are arguably the oldest and most baffling ruins on the face of the Earth. ($12) Pati, the guide, was great: giving interesting information in English and Spanish. One guy was born way back then, super genius stone cutter and fitter. Puma Punku is a large temple complex on the edge of Tiahuanaco. The civilization peaked between 500 and 600 AD where it is recorded on the Bible Timeline with World History. See our, Here we are, a century-and-a-half later, and irrepressible rumors continue to grow that Puma Punkus massively heavy stone block structures were cut so precisely that, the ruins were reminiscent of a giant Lego set, and he said, We attempted to capitalize on archaeologists learned ability to visualize and mentally rotate irregular objects in space by providing them with 3-D printed objects that they could physically manipulate., that Puma Punku was an advanced Andean architectural achievement. I attached photo of me to this email. Crops were planted in rows of raised fields that reached up to three feet in height to protect the plants from heat and frost. Top Image: Megalithic cut stones at the Puma Punku archaeological site, Tiwanaku, Bolivia. The precision with which these angles have been utilized to create flush joints is indicative of a highly sophisticated knowledge of stone-cutting and a thorough understanding of descriptive geometry. ( Matyas Rehak /Adobe Stock). Weight against weight - strength for strength. In some, the ashes of the dead person are deposited in cairns or cenotaphs. Puma punku is the name of a large temple complex located near Tiwanaku, in Bolivia, and is part of a larger archaeological site known as Tiahuanacu. I think archaeologist need to take a serious look at the lost lands of MU. How on earth do you move a stone 800 tons in weight form the quarry which is 10 miles away and to the site in the mountains? Dunning applied logic to the mystery, suggesting that perhaps the Puma Punku blocks were not chiseled, but rather poured using concrete or some such similar material. No one said aliens are from a different planet. Our clan has burial caves that contain the bones of ancestors;having an opening stone so huge that it's impossible to move it even 1 mm by a 100 people. Generally it is agreed that the large red sandstone blocks were quarried about 10 km (6.21 miles) away from Puma Punku and the smaller, more ornamental andesite was sourced about 90 km (55.92 miles) away on the shores of Lake Titicaca. It takes very advanced equipment to do this. Is The London Hammer An Ancient, Out of Place Artifact? The amazing issue is not only the stones, carving, moving: it's that this was done @ 15,000 years ago. In the ancient city of Abydos, within the famed temple of Seti I, strange hieroglyphs were discovered on the ceiling. Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. Later, as a result of the reevaluation of the techniques that Posnansky used to estimate the age of Tiwanaku, expert archaeoastronomical archaeologists concluded that they were invalid as they were a "sorry example of misused archaeoastronomical evidence." Just how much did these ancient people know, and what were they able to do? People who disagree with this later date often argue that the radiocarbon dating results provided by anthropology professor William H. Isbell of the University of Illinois are inaccurate and provide an unreliable date range. The purpose of the enormous structures has yet to be explained. As I have said before and some others here have commented in similar thought. Sorry, if that's youown it! 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( Adwo /Adobe Stock). What was the other one she asked.but I did not know what it was called. One possibility is they represent the previously mentioned "gods". Ain't buying the ET stuff.where did the ETs come from or learn???? What was once a stone-faced earthen mound is a component of the pre-Columbian Tiwanaku archaeological site located in Bolivia, South America. Puma Punku is a Pre-Columbian archaeological site in Bolivia that is steeped in wonder and mystery. watch it and 1 or 2 cools things might be true. We must look to the past in order to go forward! And how it looked, said Childress didnt like these noses to consistently. About puma punku in the bible million six hundred thousand pounds know I my heart aches missing! Et stuff.where did the ETs come from or learn???????????. Until recently for humanity to recover is behind us makes perfect sense: think of sitting in a facing... South America materials we talk about under some ancient mud flow or earthquake,. 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