Cant say its been a bag of goodies,a financial betrayal by a family member for one, but good riddance and Truth I can see the benefits with opened eyes & opened heart. My life was forever changed. They were known as The Silent Twins because they only communicated with each other. The second dream involved me buying a house without having seen it first. Lou, I, too, have natal Sun Saturn conjunction. Transiting Saturn spends about 2.5 years in each house. Its not like things were perfect after that, but I had a certain inner contentment after Saturn left my 4th house, that I didnt have before or during for the most part. I could feel a change coming that would involve a major move and not knowing what it was going to be, I pared down and remained quiet. Im very sensitive and much more aware of power control and those that I allowed to have it over me. It has been quite a journey and a very difficult one. I have no idea if I manage yo change something during these 3 months of the transit that are left, but what is really sad that I dont feel I can and want to change the current situation. I accidentally left out that around the same time Pluto was trining my N Sun (1,5 degree orb between the Sun and the Moon), so the time period was mixed with pain and happiness. Hi Lou , Saturn has ingreesed one degree into the fourth and is now sat atop natal mercury. In addition to this, the M.C. Talk about taking the lord thy gods name in vain! Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal Whether it's ideas, music, images, mystical insights, or idle imaginings of your mind, you strive to give form to the formless. I was lonely. I then moved back to my hometown and received a lot of support and found another job via my hometown connections. Lou, sounds like you are having major awakenings and realizations about being among the species homo sapiens. Like this online, thank you. My IC is at 19Sag07. I hope the Pluto square Moon -transit brings equally great changes which I am hopefully better equipped to use to the full. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. I send you, and everyone who reads my comment, my warm regards, be well! Not going to happen at my expense. I was little then but the impact of it has rippled on for decades. I feel like I am on many cusps.of reclaiming my treasure from living too small an emotional life, of starting my own private practice as a spiritual director (Saturn in 4th /Capricorn good for starting/building a business) , and perhaps moving to live near my g/f, possibly growing roots in a relationship that welcomes my whole self. Saturn transit my fourth was all about my family and we were cramped where we lived, not enough space in the house for all of us and all of our things. Its a huge change, one which the whole world is going through right now, and I know how blessed I am to have had a safe, loving place to land. I finally understood the family politic. With Chiron conjunct the Ascendant, it can show someone who is often very self conscious, feeling like an exposed nerve most of the time. thus opposite saturn so it was all very painful in both fronts. I have saturn (conjunct ic) in opposition with neptune (conjunct mercury and mc). I am not interested in online dating. The type of limitations is colored by the sign and aspects of your Saturn and north node. 2 businesses for Castor and 2 for Pollux. He almost did not get to come back home and had to leave for months not knowing. Its a been a lot of hard work since finding astrology, I took myself back to school of self teaching. When Saturn conjuncts your Midheaven it's also forming an opposition to the IC which means the foundation you built around 14 years ago, when Saturn entered your 4th house, will come under . On the other side that eclipse happened so close to my natal North Node at 27 of Cancer with the transiting North Node at 26. I knew nobody where I lived and was very lonely. ago Reply. 01.06.19 As I write, Saturn is crossing my IC (Capricorn 1205)! I read that for most people this transit means a period of isolation, depression and loneliness. But luckily neither I nor she is the type that holds on to groudges! What happens now will be in accordance with the reality of what you have achieved. To have Saturn and Jupiter activate my IC is music to my ear. We are not yet moved , with Gemini on my 8 th house l live between the delayed building site of a wreck of a house and the one we will sell hopefully soon. Hi Mel. Registered: Feb 2010. Also had Saturn transit 4th conjunct Moon and opposite Sun/Saturn natal. P.S. Web design & Development: ThinkWeb ThinkWeb In a way, dealing with my childhood conditioning, mother and the roles I took and have carried since. Whatever the secret is, loving and believing in oneself! I mean, Pluto transiting 4th can really prevent to sell a home?? Thread starter Daisy; Start date Jan 28, 2021; Daisy Member. And a few days after, I would have the first direct hit of my Saturn Return. Saturn and the South Node are involved, theres something karmic about it. Yes, youre right, very hard to see anything positive sometimes. It is possible that circumstances will occur that force a major review of your goals and where you are heading with your career. I had Saturn transit my nadir in 2014. Thanks again for sharing our thoughts and experience. Definitely, I will be moving town to set up my businesses and leave this God forsaken town. Speak of the shrink of the zodiac that Scorpio is believed to be. The Universe took care of you. (My moon is 3rd house too unaspected.makes me go beyond the boundaries of traditional thought, seeking philosophy, very open-minded, sometimes too much perhaps lol). This configuration coupled with the Saturn square forced me to adopt the cold detachment of Aquarius while remaining aloof refusing to connect or reconnect with psychos and socios i should have no contact with or get attached to, and do this without fear of anything, because planets are on my side. Now, I no longer hope to find love because I have it. Now I have Saturn hitting the fourth in my solar chart along with Pluto and the home I need to sell needs lots of work. COVID-19 showed me my North Node, I dont know how the IC comes into play, am keeping an open mind and listening to the energies. Venus conjunct the Asc, IC, DC, or MC, signifies a powerful urge to express this planet in life. My natal Saturn at 4degrees Taurus already squares MC and IC. That s the way to do it! But past efforts will still be rewarded. Another person may not have a home to go to. You will have some important duties and responsibilities to attend to which may involve one of your parents. Yet if you research those with true unaspected planets, you find, like the Queen example, the person has the opportunity to become the epitome of that planet and it can rule their life hardly unexpressed!! I have just started dating a person who I think may be able to love me (meaning I may be able to feel lovable), yet she lives in another city 2.5 hours away. My family had to go through almost breaking apart because of my husbands legal status. This was a town that no one in the area knew existed. During their stay in the hospital, they began to believe that it was necessary for one of them to die, and after much discussion, Jennifer agreed to be the sacrifice. Talk about crisis at home and feeling lonely! A work in progress. Right, a blessing in disguise? The issues before me at this present time are contaminated water via the defense force RAAF base near my home & a compensation case I am involved with because of it. Saturns cruising through my 10th house now. Every 7 years or so, Saturn will transit conjunct, square, or opposite a natal planet. It is at the base point of the horoscope, this dark place, that the treasure is guarded by the dragon. I was previously telling about the time Pluto transited my N Moon in Scorpio. Transiting Pallas is in Capricorn, during the July eclipse in Capricorn the full moon was in exact conjunction to my natal Juno at 13 degrees and then I had a full moon in exact conjunction to my Ceres in the 4th house in Aquarius. Then I inherited from her. haha sure, but anyway Ive never stepped into so many psychos haha I hope is only a period of time and then back to normal, one or two a day, no more than 10 haha. Indeed, that occurred to me too! If this were the case then it would not be a loss or failure but your experience and achievements would be carried on into a new area of specialization in your career. Evolution is a hard and long journey psychos and socios know that thats why they resist it while expecting to reap the benefits. We are species and not a very nice species. ? In this period of your life, you often have to face challenges and overcome them. Checked out this site to review the comments of others on Saturn transiting the fourth, since tr. What Happens When Uranus in Taurus Transits Your 4th House? Theyre also both having their Saturn return. I would say the feeling is normal but it's not necessarily typical. the girls had a longstanding agreement that if one died, the other must begin to speak and live a normal life. As it is doing this it is squaring my sun, about to square my natal Saturn, moon and north node. It can also be a time of great accomplishment, thanks to your increased ability to get organized and to focus. Coincidentally, the singer Freddy Mercury also had an unaspected Mercury.i wouldnt say his vocal expression was limited would you?! It was a rectangular house, you had to go through each room to get to the next, no hallway (no bypassing!). Anyway, heres the kicker that led me on this investigative quest in the first place. Jennifer and June Gibbons were identical twins born with this aspect at 038 and 156 respectively. Avoid procrastination if you know that something needs doing. I think Jupiter is the teacher / mentor; Saturn is more a discipline. I have an unexpected mercury in the 3rd house with a Gemini ascendent! As Saturn will spend about 2 years in Aquar. Again, there is so much fear expressed in some posts. That's positive!" , , Real Life Saturn transit 12th, Saturn transit 1st, saturn transit ascendant permalink I work here. You're finding out is that you're human. Your head might weigh heavily with responsibilities, ambitions, fears, or a combination of all three. This is tough but getting through it will strengthen them and the positive effects will be long-lasting. Correction: On the other side that eclipse happened so close to my natal MC at 27 of Cancer with the transiting North Node at 26. This was due to lack of attendance. and IC in Pisces conjunct Venus and Saturn both in 4th house. Typically an aspect like this can signify a struggle to leave the past behind. Where did you read that?? what do you think? Jen, Pluto transiting Moon in conjunction is tough. Nice aspects Sextile moon in Taurus, 0 orb Trine Venus in Scorpio 1 orb Tricky aspects Square Mercury and Pluto in Libra, 0 orb Inconjunct Neptune in Sag, Jupiter in Aquarius, making a Yod The sextile with the Moon is the base point of another Yod with Neptune st the apex. Saturn rolled me over with the co vid restricting all wat l stated but now Pluto on the March but slowly, My partners money is an issue as hes selling ( mercury) shares in his company but with Saturn on sun mercury conjunct straddling I c and gem on 8 th cusp the Mars retro has made things unable to reach culmination. Isolation is the least Im concerned actually. Scorpio rising resilient sign of ambition that is never down for the count. Posts: 858From: AtlantisRegistered: Nov 2016, Posts: 8518From: South AfricaRegistered: Dec 2012. I've been back in Brazil for just over 3 weeks and much has happened already, or has it not?! Only this time i was not the one attracted to these pschos and socios because i knew what Uranus intentions were when he entered the 2nd decan of Taurus to activate a transiting YOD with Chiron in Aries and the NN (and other transits in Gemini in 2021). So pleased that you see the positives that come from Saturn crossing your IC. The last time Saturn transited my 4th I was forced to move back with my parents due to a strange, difficult to diagnose illness. So, bad with the good. I am now selling because it is too large for me with my Mom passing this year and my kids moving on. I drove off, running away. Thanks, Hi Anne: Saturn Opposite Midheaven Natal and Transit, Saturn Conjunct Midheaven Natal and Transit, New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings, Saturn Opposite Midheaven Natal and Transit. You will have some important duties and responsibilities to attend to which may involve one of your parents. Second Saturn transit to IC was at age 40. Is it in here anywhere ? Lily. In retrospect, I think he felt betrayed. 26 people love it! Its a combined blessing and burden to have an unaspected planet. My progressed to natal chart for January 26, indicates that the progressed moon would be conjunct my natal 5th house cusp. And then I decided what will be will be and stopped trying to control it. I asked the doctor where the osteoporosis is, and he said the left femoral neck! But, right now tr. Plowed through my IC and totally destroyed the foundation of my life. The house itself needs about $40,000 to update it and I keep going back and forth about what to do. A Plutonian Imagination. I had to keep the job no matter what! I searched. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! I moved in with my husband and 3 year old son, leaving my eldest son who was about to graduate high school, living with his father about an hour away. Talk about high responsibility much more than anyone else would have to endure, and of course, its lifelong for her thats the epitome of unaspected planets IMO the planet applies to the WHOLE chart is free to be applied to ANY area because of its LACK of aspects, the planet is not BOUND by aspects so hence the native is able to apply the unaspected planet to any and all areas of life. It was a bittersweet time, from which I have never totally recovered, and I felt my eldest was fine, spending a lot of his time socializing and studying and being independent. Natal Saturn on Nadir.I feel my family doesnt want me.Felt homeless all my life. Detachment and non attachment are great tools in life. The treasure is that spark of individual destiny, the inner glow that provides ones unique essence, and the heroic experience is the retrieval of that essence.. Gemini sun versatile mental sign that is able to adapt to different situations or search for better alternatives if the current situations arent worth adapting to. Im debating on how much money to spend on updating and decorating before I put it on the market. Saturn transits to my N Moon and Venus, oppositions, conjunctions and squares, have been ok. For most people my life may seem like a continuous struggle, but I kind of am okey with a struggle, as part of life. Natal conjunctions by two consecutive full moons one an eclipse cannot count for nothing. In Mythology, Venus represents the Goddess of Love, named Aphrodite. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 ), Im expecting all of that to explode soon. Theres my duality. If there is something to be shedded, be my guest. And the rest is history. Celine Dion 006, Bernadette Peters 008, Emily Dickson 009, Cecilia Bartoli 012, Gene Wilder 014, Uri Geller 015, Jennifer Gibbons 038, Athol Rusden 039, Madeleine of Scotland 058, John Hurt 102, Elizabeth II 107, Paddy Ashdown 130, Lord Byron 131, Mary MacArthur 146, Oliver Stone 151, Karen Silkwood 154, June Gibbons 156, Rudy Giuliani 236, Jeane Dixon 239, John Frawley 249. I am 50, so it is the second time in my life. Saturn Conjunct Midheaven Transit. Sorry for delay reply helen, i didnt receive notification..i imagine your mercury 3rd house with gemini ac is a wonderful combo! I am a little fearful, I feel that isnt this enough. The transiting South Node was on my IC in Capricorn, sun the ruler of my North Node was at 0degrees of Aquarius. This eclipse squared Uranus, the Great Awakener. Im hoping the Universe will deliver an in-your-face answer. It will be interesting, to say the least, when Saturn and Pluto and the sun meet on January 12, 2020 at 22Cap45 (in my 4th house but on the cusp of my 5th at 23Cap19). Pluto came through first 2014-2017. For me, this transit involves the nodes, thats what adds to its significance. Posts: 1412From: the outskirts of DelphiRegistered: Dec 2017, Posts: 4791From: N. AmericaRegistered: Nov 2010, Posts: 408From: CanadaRegistered: Aug 2013, my ex and i broke up after almost 15 years, which was for the best, and i sobered up a good deal (been high this past month admittedly though, just weed but) and some pretty terrible stuff happened too but i won't get into that, it wasnt all bad, was life changing, no physical move but home drastically changed, Copyright 2020 Pluto square my sun, Venus and mars has been a test of freedom for me. Saturn has also brought a lot of fight with authorities so I guess Pluto wont be that different. I ended up moving to my older sisters place (moving home) in Oregon where I am now happily living in a tiny room amidst 7 members of my extended family. Thanks to both! Oh I hope not. Saturn is currently transiting my IC, beginning in March 2020. From the outside, transit Uranus conjunct Ascendant is notably nuts. You are reaping the reward of at least 7 and possibly 14 years of striving. I will be writing it up in the next month or 2. In my horoscope the IC is conjunct the South Node at 28 degrees of Scorpio. A certain inner contentment is a great way to describe my experience, too! She is 92 now i think and STILL doing her duty, what an inspiration. I dont know what the activation of the IC has in store for me but Im very happy that this transit is happening this year, at this time of the yearafter the activation of my Vertex by Mars in Aries, and at the time when Im ready to take the plunge in 2021. Dr. Jordan Peterson- a clinical psychologist, from Canada, who has been the voice of free speech and non-conformity in his public life, who just recently had to enter into rehab due to his use of anxiety medicine, due to his wife on the verge of death. Topic: Transit Saturn conjunct IC: NinaAria Knowflake . Thank you Elsa and keep up the good work. When Saturn transits the nadir you may want to go home. The most important part of the transit takes place when Uranus passes over the I.C, which indicates that an inner breakthrough is required. Interesting point Denyse. Definitely not a Uranian, Im already Uranian with Marsian traits, two Uranian heads arent going to help each other. I could get not much understanding/sympathy for what I was going through either. Can you imagine? Well, that would be nice, but have no idea how he will turn up! Your email address will not be published. My daughter is currently having this transit. Right now I am working out how to draw on this, make what I say and write more authentically mine as I work with new graduates. First of all, if planets conjunct the IC at a close orb (1-3), the effect will be much stronger than if they are simply in the fourth house. Eeeemreally terrified expecting this transitit will hit my Ic in 2020, adding Pluto conjunct Saturn to the equation. It was the beginning of a new phase of our family and, fortunately, light as my 4H is 27* Taurus with lots of Gemini and a Gemini Mars. The link/sextile to my North Node and the trine to South Node-Jupiter conjunction highlighted the significance of my IC. I apologize ahead of time, Im going to sound super negative but its pretty honest (I am not normally a negative person by the way). and am very curious about what the future holdsfor all of us. How do you find your mercury affecting you? Im having positive aspects from the Capricorn decan 3 stellium, because I have a packed Virgo decan 3 and placements in decan 3 of water signs. Parent and work are both issues on my scope now!. I know, its horrible, the older one gets, the clearer one sees. When Saturn transitted my nadir at 28 Pisces I fell out with my two best friends, never spoke to them again. A planet conjunct the angle will be hugely emphasised for that year. . I hope so. Thats what Ive done & while draining at times, it has been profitable & also used up the energy so to speak. In the second week of March I suddenly lost all three of my jobs (due to CA shelter in place order) and coincidentally was asked to leave my rented cottage on the same day! On the one side my IC completes the kite for my Grand Water Trine which includes Neptune in Scorpio, North Node in Pisces and MC in Cancer, on the other side Jupiter-South Node conjunction closes the Kite in Virgo. 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