Alex doesn't realize Kara's sick and pushes her while they're training. It was during this time her rivalry with Lois Lane began,[4] as well as her romantic feelings for Clark Kent. They ran to the control room, and succeeded. Undaunted by Cat's rejection, Siobhan plans to sell the story to her old employer, the Daily Planet. Her family offered their unconditional love and support during this time. As Nia charged up the coil, Brainy's emotions started to return, and he encouraged Nia and J'onn to do it, and openly said to Nia he loves her. While getting coffee at a pizza shop to stay sharp at CatCo, Nia witnessed firsthand when "Barney's" image inducer glitched out, giving him his natural appearance as a Coluan Brainiac 5, angering the chefs, who immediately tried to assault Brainy. Cat penned an article for the Tribune on Supergirl's blunder at the port and ordered Kara to get it ready for posting. She felt hurt and betrayedKara Danvers is Supergir Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor have been secretly dating for the past 6 months and so far it has stayed a secret. Kara suggested they ask Winn, the I.T. What happens when they travel to earth, and find Kara at CatCo? After the battle against the Evil Brainy, Brainy decided to break up with Nia.[30]. Cat takes them both out for a drink. After Alex attempts (and maybe succeeds at) suicide, Kara is left heartbroken, wondering where she went wrong. After Kara Danvers came to her for relationship advice after Mon-El of Daxam was forced to leave Earth, there was a report of a great fire in the city trapping innocent people in a building. Later, Yvette is found by Nia. [16], Cat offered Lucy Lane a job as CatCo's general counsel despite a conflict of interest because of James, but is convinced to take the offer. The following day, Carter met with his mother before being sent off to school, asking if Kara could watch him again, though Cat refused.[8]. Nia dreamt that she was uneducated about how to use her powers properly and Brainy was killed by her inabilities. Kara nodded, despite her muscles aching in protest. However, Kara volunteered to go with her and drive all the way. But when they broke up, they had a custody battle over him, with Cat eventually dropping the suit and letting Adam go live with his father. In the same time, whoever is not feeling comfortable working with me, can raise the issue with cat grant or HR and request a transfer to any other Catco office in the country or overseas or request a glowing reference from Cat Grant for a competitor issue (probably not for the Daily Planet). Alex convinced J'onn J'onzz to masquerade as Kara, but he had great difficulty fulfilling her difficulties and said Cat made him miss his prison. The next day however, due to a newfound mysterious heroine saving Flight 237 from crashing, a delighted Cat was able to save the newspaper by using the superhero to create new online and paper headlines. Cat designated Kara as "Assistant #2" to her confusion. He breathed on a window, and Nia wrote "Shelley Island" on it, and Kara, Alex and Brainy immediately left for there.[19]. Kara told Mon-El to go and protect the city while she stayed to deal with Rhea. Wherever I go I'm gonna be better because of you. Brainy said the Children can't fight if they can't see, so Alex went to CatCo, and cut off the power, just as Nia, Kara and the rest at CatCo came under attack. She tries to pitch it to Cat, but Cat isn't interested. Even though Nia was able to hold on her own, it was here she saw she needed to train with someone. Nia is getting ready for the morning while Brainy continues to read her poetry he wrote. Kara asked if she was still dreaming, with Nia replying that she couldn't believe the award went to someone who actually deserves it. She fought the brainwashed Brainy alongside Alex and Kelly, while J'onn took care of Lena's henchman Reign and Winn, Mon-El and Mxy infiltrated the D.E.O. Brainy offered to help train her, but she refused, thinking she can handle herself. Although she saved everyone, the hopelessness she saw there was overwhelming. Resisting her anxiety in regards to having a one-on-one talk with such a distinguished professional and her boss, Nia brought up the issue with James. Just some short stories and ideas about the show supergirl. Kara revealed she has a foster mother, explaining that her parents died in a "fire" when she was 13. 3 guests He eventually came to and in his shock choked Supergirl and threw her across the room. If he never met Imra? [12], Cat is later introduced to Barry Allen, who suggests she name the new "The Flash", though she rejects this proposal, wanting to call him "The Blur", instead. To be successful, they knew that Rhea needed to be distracted and Cat had an idea for what to do and asked for Winn Schott to accompany her to CaCco. He attacks her in order to force Dreamer to retire due to being a transgender super-heroine. Since Supergirl's job is a learning curve, Cat advised her to start with smaller targets and work her way up, similar to how the latter rose through the ranks at the Daily Planet. So, she just left National City, without telling a word to Kara or all the other Superfriends. In late 2018, Nia moved to National City and was hired as a reporter for CatCo Worldwide Media, personally recommended to Kara Danvers by Cat. In his coma, he began to drain some of the nearby energy to help regenerate himself as he was being exposed to Kryptonite. During the drive, Nia said, that she hasn't yet told her about her powers to her parents, or her big sister, Maeve. Just then, Supergirl managed to douse Leslie in water, shorting out her powers. Katie grew up in Star City, and after her mum didn't return home, she goes to national city to f At first, Kara and Lena both keep their feelings hidden from each other, but it doesn't last long. After Kara left, Cat privately urged her former protg to wake up, proclaiming Leslie was stronger than a bolt of lightning. Nia intended to go to her hometown Parthas to celebrate the annual Harvest Festival, but due to recent anti-alien activity, her flight was canceled. Nia makes reference to that she's uncertain about whether or not she will be a piece of a super group. She goes to speak with Mon-El about their powers, and about her parents and what they were. Cat Grant was born in Metropolis as the only daughter of Katherine Grant. Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, they all belong to the CW, What if Kara is in the influence of the pink kryptonite and kiss not just Alex but Lena and also Cat Grant and finally also Eliza. However, she was late to work due to her roommate, Yvette, accidentally taking her rental car, leaving Nia to take the bus, where she spilled some coffee . Nia revealed to Kara her half-human, half-Naltorian heritage, and that among her species, in every generation, one female receives a power to dream future events, like her mother has. Despite having a difficult personality, Cat does have caring side. Nia questions who could do this and J'onn thinks it may have been Manchester. 5. Despite him being able to evade their attacks with ease, Nia rushed to the alien Coulan's help, demanding the pizzeria staff to back off and give Brainiac 5 his pizza, shaming them for being so cruel to their patron. But Nia was troubled now, because Maeve had studied all her life of Naltorian dream interpretation, as it was expected that the daughter of their mother will inherit her powers. [10], Cat Grant once had dinner with Taylor Swift. They arrived at the rooftop where they agreed to have the battle and Rhea arrived with her guard. The two then headed into a meeting. This conversation is short-lived when she spots Brainy. She is the former assistant of Perry White and former gossip columnist at the Daily Planet, who later made a successful career of her own in the media industry, being known as the "Queen of all Media". She gave James the ultimatum of getting her in touch with Supergirl within the following 24 hours, or risk being fired and returning to his old job at the Daily Planet. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. [28], Continuing her investigation, CJ took pictures as a runaway truck went by her. Cat decides that Supergirl's energies are wasted on the pretense of being an errand girl; if Kara can't prove that she isn't Supergirl, Cat will fire her. Kara grew agitated and pulled over. Nia has similar traits as Kara Danvers: hardworking, meticulous, and eager to prove herself as a reporter. That night at the launch party, Cat was upset when Kara arrived late and asked about the printed copies of CatCo Magazine. We need someone who will give a unbiased report of any event. Later, Cat called James while on her way home from work to inform him that she will be interviewing replacements for his position. After the meeting, Cat tells Kara to keep looking for any more leaks, as she suspects board member Dirk Armstrong is going to find some way to damage her reputation. During the party, Cat shared a dance with Maxwell Lord, surprised at his attendance due to his recent kidnapping by Reactron. She is even oblivious to the existence of most of her employees, such as Winn Schott. She is present when Supergirl has to save, James, Winn, and Kelly, though only manages to save James and Winn. Kara Danvers Catco's memos palco2023. After the 100th episode this alternative end came to my mind about Lena and Kara's relationship. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. A couple days later, Cat gave Kara a draft of the article to be published. Wanting to impress Kara, Nia bought her a latte and planned to arrive right on time. Though Cat is a hardcore capitalist, she is not without a humane and tender spot. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Her father's identity is unknown. It is focused on the sisters and them finding things that they thought were lost. She further pointed out that Supergirl's presence in National City is shifting the conversation regarding alien protectors. CJ decided that she would be called "Cat" and that she wanted to have her own media empire. [5], In her early days as a gossip columnist, Cat was assigned to profile a rising actor married to a celebrity. Nia dreamed the attack and saved Maeve, who realized Nia had received the power, and left disgusted. Noticing that Kara seemed to be distracted, Cat ordered her to stay focused on work. Touch_of_Venom, Indcise, and dnmann [2], Kara came down with a cold and informs Winn about her status, and when Cat sees her sneeze she sends Kara home for the rest of the day. 2. After a short talk and an admission from Kara about the letter, Adam agreed to meet with his mother on the condition that Kara joins them. Her broadcast infuriates Rhea who orders for a squadron of soldiers to find and eliminate Cat. She holds others to that strict standard as well, saying that "sleeping is for slackers" and that everyone has to "squeeze every drop of time out of a day". However, Kara displayed unusual instincts and what appeared to be initiative (though was actually using her powers), along with a desire to make a name for herself. A few days later on Monday, Cat decided to forgo CatCo's tradition of releasing photographic stories about celebrity scandals over Thanksgiving. Nia explained she understands what that feels like and assured that Brainy's real friends would be there for him no matter what. She angrily slammed some money on the counter, requesting they serve Brainy under the threat of having their shop closed down once Nia exposed their bigotry at CatCo. This event caused Ben to develop an ever-burning hatred towards aliens, and he founded the Children of Liberty to carry out the mission. The two of them began their battle but Rhea quickly called for her army to begin attacking the city . Despite these negative traits of Cat's, she does still have respect for Clark Kent, her former co-worker for whom she has romantic feelings, but she has a dislike for her other former co-worker, Lois Lane, who she is openly rude towards, likely because the latter is in a relationship with Clark. She had a dream where she had to tell Brainy to leave her alone as he played cards that had the face of Rama Khan on them; when she touched a card, Portland appeared in the dream. Kara takes James' right on the money the TV show and she's being prepared by Nia, who keeps unexpectedly nodding off. She will forever be linked to Catco, to the Tribune, to me. She was shocked at the changes he made to it and felt that she would have to burn sage to get rid of the smell of sweat. Although bearing a rigid emotional attachment to Parthas that imprinted her there, Nia desired a life outside of the domain she grew up in. Suddenly, the bar was attacked by the Children of Liberty. That evening, Nia witnessed a scene at CatCo, where a Dryad employee, Franklin, became a target of a mean prank by Mackenzie. [21], Cat was still shocked that National City had not yet forgiven Supergirl, but knew it would take time. With the darkness, they were able to fight the Children off, and Nia managed to escape. Internal Promotion. action romance cwtv +3 more # 17 Laverna Family Moments by Foxes and Magic Hiring issues However, the D.E.O. When William is disillusioned after Lex's acquittal, Nia tries to encourage him. During their dinner, Kara acts as a mediator and after tense talking both Cat and Adam start having a normal mother-son relationship. Mon-El was starting to suffer under the effects of the lead as well and Kara quickly brought him to his space pod. Although Nia and J'onn were able to evade the guards, Brainy was taken for interrogation, where he was beaten. They then go to a club where Yvette was supposed to meet "her suitor". During an argument between Kara and Lena, Nia took William to visit more places in the Tower until things settled down. That night, Nia is woken from a nightmare, upon returning home, she finally confronts Brainy about his obsessive affection towards her. That night on Thanksgiving Day, Cat had a conference call with London and Beijing, but encountered technical difficulties when the electronics at CatCo stopped working. We need someone who will give a unbiased report of any event. She also seems to have strong morals, as she convinced Supergirl not to go along with Maxwell Lord's plan to stop Non, which would've caused a great amount of innocent casualties. Upon the discovery of "another hero" on Earth in National City, Cat named the superheroine "Supergirl" and helped make her to become the hero she is today. Impressed, Kara urged Nia to pitch that story to the CEO, James Olsen. [42] When Nyxly returned to the real world, she brought Isabel back to life (but only for 24 hours) and locked Nia in her apartment with her. So if you perceive 'Supergirl' as anything less than excellent, isn't the real problem you? Cat wanted to incorporate CCC Media into CatCo to help the former company expand, even offering a black check. But Skylia For thousands of years humanity thought that the Devil is a heBut they were all wrongThe Devil is a she. However, eventually realizing she needed to move on, Cat decided to take a leave of absence from CatCo to find bigger and better things to do. She later saw Kara hug Alex when the team found Kara and Zor-El. This experience shaped her notion of honest reporting, both as a journalist and person. Everyone she interviewed spoke highly of the man except his wife's makeup artist, who told Cat about the bruises she covered up each morning. He took a moment to look out the window to see the devastation before the guard pulled him away, telling him to leave the girl he had been with and to come with him. Later, Nia and William Dey were assigned to cover the trial of Lex Luthor as he was charged with crimes against humanity; Nia and William both knew that they could not even enter the courtroom because the security there was so restrictive. Supergirl official First Look trailer (2015) Melissa Benoist, Supergirl - Season 2 official trailer (2016) Melissa Benoist, Supergirl Season 3 Comic-Con Trailer (HD), SUPERGIRL Comic Con 2017 Panel Part 1 - Season 3, News & Highlights, SUPERGIRL Comic Con 2017 Panel Part 2 - Season 3, News & Highlights, SUPERGIRL Season 2 Comic Con Panel (Part 1) - Melissa Benoist, Tyler Hoechlin, Chyler Leigh, SUPERGIRL Comic Con 2016 Panel (Part 2) - Melissa Benoist, Tyler Hoechlin, Mehcad Brooks, Allies, Husband and Wife, Alive, Separated. Kara breaks out of police custody and flies off to the Legion's cruiser, erasing this timeline. UNFINISHED, ON HOLD Cat told Siobhan to get James Olsen and Lucy Lane into her office and told Kara to cover the phone. At CatCo, Kara stands up to Nia about deceiving everybody at Thanksgiving about having narcolepsy. Upon doing so, Cat was shocked to realize that her car was being carried in the air by the superheroine herself. to run some tests. Inside the facility they found that aliens were being escorted into a transmat portal. Willow Greene was the last to escape to Earth from her planet as it was destroyed. Kara was annoyed at the name, worried it would minimize the superheroine's importance. "Cat" Grant[1] is the founder and CEO of Catco Worldwide Media. It is heavily implied that Cat is a Conservative Democrat. [3], Nia will stay late at CatCo. Cat wondered why Supergirl chose to emerge now and began asking more personal questions. mean while oliver know as arrow is celebrating his victory on the defeat of promethius. What if when she came out to Kara TW: Suicide, Self-Harm, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts The next day, Cat immediately reported on this revelation, elated at scooping the Daily Planet. Nia developed a close mentor-student relationship with Kara, to whom she looks up. Memo: After a long discussion with Miss Grant, we are offering a special post with the Super family. Please consider turning it on! [14], Nia disguises herself as a rich lady so that Menagerie can follow her. But at least they got inside.[18]. Recognizing her potential, Cat took Leslie under her wing and hired her at CatCo. Ben Lockwood even tried to shut it down in the D.E.O., but the staff claimed they can't as their system has been hacked (in truth, they didn't, because the D.E.O. Nia disagreed and the two argued that the Superfriends did not call the proper authorities, namely the D.E.O., before attacking while Nia said that it was the Superfriends who saved the people. [23], Cat is present when Supergirl gives her speech, ceasing Myriad's control over the people of National City. This will mainly be based around the Danvers sisters but I'll be accepting some requests of other character r What if when Alex realized she was gay it wasn't because she liked Maggie, but instead she was in love with her adoptive sister Kara? She soon had another son named Carter Grant, who currently lives with her. I'm different, Miss Danvers, but so is everybody. However, she was late to work due to her roommate, Yvette, accidentally taking her rental car, leaving Nia to take the bus, where she spilled some coffee on her skirt. [20], Cat appears on "The Talk" to discuss her relationship with Supergirl and goes out of her way to praise her. When Winn's doppelganger attacks Andrea Rojas' conference with robotic tigers, Nia and the team go to the scene and manage to stop him. while he dealt with Cat. She tells him it's too much, visibly hurt Brainy leaves. J'onn J'onzz uses his shape-shifting ability to impersonate Supergirl so that Cat can see her and Kara at the same time. In October 2017, Cat confirmed that President Marsdin believed global warming was real and that the Earth is round, since "she is not a moron". Arriving at work, she is informed of this by Maxwell Lord, and her, Lord, and Supergirl discuss what to do regarding Myriad. Kara walks into CatCo like a casual day expecting everything to go on as usual. Aside from caring for her family, Cat has shown care for those that work for her as well, as seen in several moments, she told Leslie, who later became Livewire, that she's strong enough to live and get through her comatose after being struck by lightning. That evening, the Superfriends had a game night there, where they were finally able to relax after the ordeals. As a result, she developed a penchant for justice and a strong desire to help and protect others who faced similar prejudice due to their identities. 6. Leaping before one looks is part of the job description. She used J'onn's office as a base with Brainy helping her, but remotely, as he had to supervise James at L-Corp. Brainy told her to be careful, as her recent actions have nearly caused her to be detected, and that will bring the Children of Liberty at her. More personal questions and succeeded perceive 'Supergirl ' as anything less than,. 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