Individuals with the gamine style essence tend to have a petite or short body type, as it is this smallness of the body parts that makes gamine clothing look great on them. The Ingenue style essence is the decorative small-scale yin essence.Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of innocence and youthful femininity.Ingenues and their clothing styles can be associated with the themes of delicacy, idealism, and childlike innocence. Can you pull them off without looking sloppy?You probably have the natural style essence. And therefore, any wing-like design or actual feathers will add to the majesty of this type. We may earn a commission from you clicking a link in this post. Colours are therefore toned down. Comfort is high on the priority list of this type, and clothing is therefore relaxed and loose - even a bit messy. But their narrowness is not a straight narrowness like the dramatic one, it's a soft, more rounded narrowness. Style essences that lean towards the Yang end of the spectrum have more masculine characteristics, such as sharpness, angles, squareness, and boldness. Length is what makes dramatic clothing come alive on this type. This style essence communicates sensuality. But the ingenue is a feminine, girly essence, whereas the gamine essence is boyish. Individuals with the dramatic style essence may have a sharp, angular jawline, prominent, high cheekbones, or a prominent nose. Emma looks comfortable and effortless in this kind of style, but Scarlett Johansson does look a bit like a woman trapped in boys' clothing. Individuals with the romantic style essence tend to have a fleshy, curvy body type, as it is this roundness of the body parts that makes romantic clothing look amazing on them. Due to their playful and creative designs, retro and vintage styles work extremely well on the gamine style essence. Someone who has the classic style essence does not look stiff and uncomfortable when wearing a skirt suit. ), but Id be remiss not to mention that this is hindering your personal style. Now let's see how a girly dress looks on someone who does not have the ingenue style essence. On the contrary, they look nothing short of cool. The gamine style essence is another yang essence, but its type of yang is playfully dramatic yang. Kate looks elegant, but Jennifer Aniston looks stiff and uncomfortable in this kind of style. This looks amazing on Jourdan. Small decorations and details, such as delicate trimmings, appear in abundance. Lace is a great material for the ingenue style essence because it comes in delicate, intricate designs, a signature stye of this essence. Since the classic style essence is an even blend between yin and yang, the best clothing shapes for this essence are those that blend yin and yang shapes in a similar manner. Yes, Emma looks credible even in compact clothing and creative patterns. They seem to never be afraid to try new, bold styles. Consequently, individuals with the angelic style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of softness and otherworldliness or mysticism. Their features may be beautifully exaggerated to the point where they start looking as if they came from another age or galaxy. Stiff materials and cuts are inappropriate here. 18. r/DressForYourBody. Ingenue clothing styles include decorative florals, vintage clothing and things in miniature. In the Kibbe system, I am a full-fledged Romantic body type. For the romantic style essence that means following the soft, rounded lines and curves of individuals with this style essence. I think the youthfulness is coming from gamine rather than ingenue. However, I play with trends and dramatic silhouettes often, and sometimes embrace intricate details and romantic silhouettes. The prints don't have any flattering effect on her at all. The ingenue style essence is the combination of femininity with childlike innocence and delicacy, also known as the decorative, small-scale yin essence. Adjectives like sexy, 'womanly', and glamorous could be used to describe people of the romantic style essence. Product is not available in this quantity. Textures and materials should convey luxury and quality. John Kitchener offers online analysis here. According to Kitchener, this is the general breakdown of how to use your essence distribution. This essence conjures up images of unspoiled, wild landscapes. Soft curly hair - romantic. You can see her fuse both the Kibbe dramatic style lines and her ethereal essence style at different red carpet events. Being of smaller height is what I mean when I refer to petite in the height section, just like the dramatic height is listed as tall (above 5 ft 7). The gamine style essence communicates youthful rebelliousness. Pay attention to how separate and disharmonious the clothes look on Anne, whereas on Zoe they look like they belong there. She looks glamorous and very comfortable in the sexy looks of the romantic style essence. Emma looks very natural and comfortable. This doesn't look like a garden party, and again, we get that glamorous effect on her. At their very core, style essences or style identities are types of beauty or the natural lines and shapes of your face and body but repeated in clothing.These are the designs that look harmonious on you because they complement your physical features and your type of beauty. Please take the elements from the above chart as a general outline (especially the hair color, skin, and eye color). Cupid's bow lips - romantic. The balanced style essence is an even blend of yin and yang. I have learned so much from her, On sites like Olga's that people rely on for essences, the photos of examples are celebrities and models who are in the top 1% of attractiveness and who have had professional interventions (surgery and injections, hair and makeup and wardrobe) to build and cultivate a particular aura and image. These dresses don't look glamorous on Cara Delevigne. This is a casual essence. Now let's see what activewear does to someone who does not have the natural style essence. Jourdan's best look, on the other hand, is the angelic style. Its a community for fashion aficionados and for the newly fashion-obsessed to come together on a shared love and interest. Zoe looks very natural and comfortable. They describe the gamine as petite with compact bodies, captivating eyes, and a slightly boyish look. The natural style essence looks great in natural materials, such as wool, straw and linen. Its like being on a constant treadmill without ever gaining any endurance. Oct 15, 2020 - The Ingenue style essence is the decorative small-scale yin essence. Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of innocence and youthful femininity. Consequently, individuals with the natural style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of relaxed sportiveness. But the signature material of this essence must be denim. I also look good with pieces that have a natural textural quality to them and are not overly confining (overall). Angelic clothing styles are fine-textured, draped, wing-like designs. Dark lace is often what lingerie is made of - and for good reason. The Romantic Essence has a sensual deep yin essence. To make the effect even more visible, let's look at Kim when she's wearing her essences: Now this looks more like Kim! Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of innocence and youthful femininity. for Quite the contrast to what she looks like in classic clothing. McJimsey's Ingenue style essence has a look that is girlish, innocent and sweet. This is a serious look, and she can pull it off comfortably. Its type of yin is ethereal yin. This essence is all about a playful, rebellious image (not to be confused with the expressive intensity of the Dramatic). Fine textures, as well as transparent and iridescent colours, contribute to the ethereal feel. Accessories should be similarly gathered or draped to provide softness. Check out Emma Watson: Does Emma look like a boy in these outfits?No. Learn more about the romantic style essence. Natural habitat: A spooky forest . From McJimsy evolved Kitcheners style essences (originally created by Joan Songer), and included an important 7th essence; The Angelic also known as the Ethereal. Individuals with the natural style essence can pull off casual looks without looking underdressed. Pay attention to how separate and disharmonious the clothes on look on Katrina, whereas on Aja they look like they belong there. Pin the below image so you can refer back to this article throughout your style essence evolution! Yin and Yang. Ingenue, Just the Right Shoe by Raine, #25027, Ivory Boot, Miniature Shoe Collectible. The plainer, the better. Well, this does look a bit like Kim Kardashian picked her clothes out of a hamper. They also can easily adopt fashion trends or play with fashion looks. She also doesn't have angelic facial features. Someone who has the ingenue style essence does not look like an adult trapped in girls' clothing when wearing such a dress. DRAMATIC style type. They can handle bold textures like the rhinestone mesh Cher is wearing above. Button nose - ingenue. The Ingenue style essence is the decorative small-scale yin essence. And the themes that this essence communicates are boldness, danger, exoticism, poise, dignity, and extravagance. This style essence communicates a youthful rebelliousness. Shades of white, ivory, metallics, and blues dominate the palette, as do shimmery, sparkly, pearly, and opalescent finishes. Accessories follow the same principles and may also be in the shape of wild animals. However, patterns are okay as long as they are highly abstract and portray mystical elements. Sofia's best look, on the other hand, is the romantic style. These dresses don't make Kristen Bell look goddess-like. 3 days ago. The creativity of the gamine style essence is not only expressed through unusual patterns, but also through mixing and matching colours and patterns in unexpected and wild ways. If you can carry off a casual outfit and don't look as if you didn't make an effort, there's a good chance you have some natural essence in you. CLASSIC style type. It's dark, but partly transparent - concealing and revealing. Often, they also have large, alluring eyes and sensuous, full lips, which deserve to be highlighted. But they also don't look sloppy in them. Physically they often have some broad features and a strong shoulder line. The ingenue style essence is another yin essence, but its type of yin is decorative small-scale yin. Check out Zoe Saldana: Does she look like she's wearing her husband's clothes?Far from it. Can you pull them off without looking clownish?You probably have the dramatic style essence. The effect of boyish clothing on her then is the opposite. On Scarlett, again, these looks don't have the same effect. But because fashion eventually commercialized this function it morphed into an effortless, easy-going style that we associate it with today. Similarly, dresses, coats etc. However, none of these systems are perfect and some people may find Kitchener more intuitive, while others may find Kibbe more helpful. It is important to note that often yang is described as masculine, and yin as feminine. Let's take a look at Tzuyu and Emma Watson. Neither has vey mature features. Kristen has the natural style essence, and even though she's still not tall, this outfit is very flattering on her. We can see her opt for flowing dresses or relaxed hairstyles on occasion, but most of her style influence is classic in nature. We can see there is more intensity in Beyonces face and she can pull off some stronger looks than Marilyn. Kate's best look, on the other hand, is the classic style. And as an amazon associate, we earn on qualifying purchases. Small decorations and details, such as delicate trimmings, appear in abundance. Kim looks like she had a bad day. Natural style lines were at one point-yes- just functional. John Kitchener says that all the world is a stage for this type.Dramatics and their clothing styles can be associated with the themes of wildness, exoticism, boldness, and extravagance. Adjectives like gentle, cute, and pretty could be used to describe people of the ingenue style essence. Everything has to flow. A style essence can be defined as a fashion style or a type of beauty. However, one could argue that the Soft Gamine Kibbe ID has some correlation to the ingenue essence. Maybe then someone could have dramatic-ingenue essence. Multiple necklaces, bracelets etc. I've yet to properly figure out my essence but its looking like I'm not fully a (Flamboyant) Gamine as I initially believed! Dark lace (a signature style of the romantic style essence), in contrast, portrays sensuality - not something the ingenue essence is known for. The classic style essence creates a formal, elegant image. The romantic style essence is a yin essence. McJimsey gives Shirley Jones as a celebrity example of the Ingenue type. For instance, my hair doesnt look great unless its more natural, and free-flowing. Hand in hand with unusual textures goes the need for bold colours. The angelic style essence looks best in the colours of the cosmos and mythical places - think purple, sea blue and green, creams, taupes as well as gold and silver etc. The essence yin is warm, friendly, and inviting. As such, colourful pastels are perfect to portray this essence. Similarly, accessories should be delicate and dainty. The dramatic style essence creates a striking, powerful image. This addition plus his insistence that ingenue remain a part ultimately rounded out the identity system itself to be more inclusive. Therefore, gamines look best in compact, small-scale designs and shapes. The Romantic style essence is the sensual deep yin essence. Each essence has a particular type of yin or yang - depicted through a particular shape - which expresses a certain type of beauty. Take a look at the following ladies and notice how they all look first and foremost very approachable. Anne's features, however, don't portray that same intensity. Physically, Nicole Kidman meets all the requirements of the Flamboyant Natural with verticality, width, and blunt yang being her physical profile. It implies that the look of your clothes is more important than your look. Compared to others, individuals with the gamine style essence tend to look 'whimsical.' Here is a breakdown of ingenue and gamine essence. Yang essences take on styles based on the square shape. Now her idea was a bit more conceptual and it wasnt until Harriet McJImsey laid out archetypes to match the yin/yang balance of each that these style systems really started to take shape. Style essences are a great way to guide yourself toward your most well-rounded image. She looks elegant, regal, and very comfortable in the timeless, simple looks of this style essence. Red roses best sum up this style essence. Dramatic clothing styles are long and narrow, possibly oversized, and include creative patterns and textures, large-scale prints and bold colours. Lets take a look at the seven essences now. Physically they can have curvaceous figures and alluring eyes. ButTzuyu has more of a girly appearance, whereas Emma's is more boyish. The ingenue and the gamine style essence are both youthful essences. On the contrary, she looks even more classy. Their fashion style is elegant, formal, and timeless. Understated is not a word related to this essence. Because I have almost equal parts natural, romantic, and dramatic I can usually pull off full looks from each category. The angelic style essence is the most yin essence (though it flows back into yang). If you can carry off a minimal, formal look without looking boring, there's a good chance you have some classic essence in you. And honestly, I dont know how helpful that would be in finding my best overall outfits and style. It makes them look majestic and powerful. Consequently, it cannot be missing in a romantic wardrobe. Being able to adjust one's clothing to the temperatures outside and inside is great. Shendis. The romantic style essence is the combination of yin features with mature sensuality, also known as the sensual, deep yin essence. A signature style of the ingenue essence is the short, (often flouncy) dress. Controversially, in the overview style essence video, I suggested people use black and white photos to help determine their essence. Although this style essence is feminine like the romantic essence, it is a childlike, innocent cuteness as opposed to the mature . On the contrary, she looks nothing short of cool and self-assured. For accessories this means materials from the earth that are rare and iridescent - such as pearls but in their natural shapes. The three yang essences are dramatic, gamine and natural. They can also have a tall, waif-life appearance, and sometimes an oval-shaped face. Just make sure that the designs aren't too big, as compactness is still important. The angelic style essence is closely linked to mythical creatures - and those creatures often have wings. Consequently, a tight-fitted dress will just pronounce her straightness - the opposite of what this kind of clothing is supposed to do. Coloring is a key factor in essence, and your style. Let's take a look at another signature style of the ingenue style essence: delicate, playful patterns. Check out Sofia Vergara: She looks very comfortable in a tight-fitted dress that shows off her curvy body. Can you pull them off?You probably have the romantic style essence. Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of innocence and youthful femininity. Anne looks almost like a comic stage character because she does not have the dramatic style essence. Love the combined Kibbe/Kitchener approach. Aja's best look, on the other hand, is the ingenue style. While color is an extremely fundamental part of Kitcheners essence system, any skin/hair/color combo can be any essence. They look fantastic in luxurious silk textures and fabrics that hug the body. Essence is not personality. Eyes may be wide-spread and are often round and large. Wild landscapes best sum up this style essence. And the themes that this essence communicates are sensuality, maturity, luxury, and indulgence. From there you will not only have a blueprint for what style lines you can harmonize with but also what details and looks from other essence families you can start incorporating into your style. Adjectives like boyish, rebellious, and creative could be used to describe people of the gamine style essence. His celebrity example of romantic essence is Julia Roberts, who Kibbe has verified to be a Flamboyant Natural. In total, there are 7 style essences (based on John Kitchener's system).Each style essence is defined by whether it is yin (soft, round) or yang (sharp, angular), and which kind of yin and yang it is.In this section, you can learn more about each style essence and access the comprehensive guide to each one. Where other types would look like they're wearing children'c clothes, a Gamine portrays coolness and self-assurance. Timeless patterns such as houndstooth or even cable knits can work on this style essence. Natural clothing styles include relaxed fits, lots of layering, earthy colours, ethnical looks and tribal patterns, and natural materials. Kate looks incredibly elegant and sophisticated in this kind of dress as well. She looks incredibly pretty and little playful. However, it's not a formal essence, but a playful one. This looks amazing on Sofia. (source). The gamine style essence creates a bold, playful image. Ingenue style essence invokes princess energy and has a look that is girlish, innocent, and sweet, think barbie at prom. However, I think that isnt the true base of his system. Well, this is not quite the same effect that we got on Zoe. Learn how to build a flattering and functional wardrobe tailored to you. While I certainly cannot pull off traditional Kibbe Romantic suggestions, I can still pull off a more romantic aesthetic from head to toe using my Kitchener Essence blend and my Kibbe ID for the silhouette. So helpful though! However, for a full essence evaluation, you will need to take some videos, color photographs, and even try on the style lines. Nothing says casual more than a pair of jeans. It's more of a boyishness that let's you know they've been up to no good. These are yin types of beauty, which are gentler and more delicate. If you look at the root of the Natural Style, youll see it did evolve in the 70s with beat and hippie culture, and it surrounds an effortless look. Don't get hung up on them. Turns out I'm a Dramatic Classic (talk about mistyping yourself) - and I think I have Classic and Romantic essence (and perhaps a tiny bit of Natural) which would explain my skewed view of myself in the Kibbe system at the begining it's really a journey! Learn more about the angelic style essence. The classic style essence is a balanced essence. So adding an item of clothing that communicates the same message will emphasise this look even further, and that is what makes dramatic clothing look stunning on Zoe. Another example would be Julia Roberts. Check out Kate Middleton: Does Kate look old-fashioned and boring in these outfits? Consequently, individuals with the gamine style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of rebelliousness and playful boldness. I will say that the boxed in feeling I think is largely due to an over-emphasis on the original text style lines which is not necessarily in line with what Kibbe says today. Everything you need to know about this illusive essence. And my dramatic essence lends me to try more extreme silhouettes and trends. In addition, textures are best when they're shiny to add glitz and glam. all look natural and harmonious on this type. Every person is equipped by nature with unique proportions, shapes, scale and (a)symmetry which can have Dramatic, Natural, Classic, Gamine, Romantic, Ingenue or Ethereal essence in a pure form or (more often) a blend of 2-3 essences. She looks stunning, dignified, and very comfortable in the bold looks of the dramatic style essence. On Jourdan, this style is complementing and highly flattering, but on Kristen, this look is just disappointing. Part of the reason romantic clothing does nothing for Cara is because she doesn't have a curvy body type. The best patterns for the ingenue style essence are playful and whimsical. Pay attention to how separate and disharmonious the clothes on look on Jennifer, whereas on Kate they look like they belong there. Androgyny is a mix of both feminine and masculine characteristics. You don't have to spend your whole life trying to fit into a mold you don't like . Ingenue clothing lines are large, rounded with delicate, ornate, and often childish detailing. This essence is all about an innocent, feminine image (not to be confused with the mature sensuality of the Romantic). The best patterns for this style essence are wild and irregular, but not bold. Its hallmark traits are angular features (sometimes, not always), intensity, extroverted sensibility, and a love of fashion. Pay attention to how separate and disharmonious the clothes on look on Kim, whereas on Gigi they look like they belong there. Sometimes its the flamboyant natural style lines, but I also get an overwhelming amount of people liking the Soft Dramatic or the Theatrical Romantic lines on me as well. And the best way to achieve this is through flaring shapes. Individuals with the angelic style essence can pull off fairytale looks with glamour. This essence conjures up images of toys and wild baby animals. That can be in the form of dresses or trousers or even just sleeves. They are seemingly more elegant and formal compared to others. The same applies to their bodies, which tend to be neither very narrow and straight nor very curvy and rounded. This style essence communicates an easy-going nature and adventure. Whereas Marilyn Monroe physically is pure yin as a Romantic. Consequently, individuals with the ingenue style essence tend to create an overall visual impression of youthful femininity and innocence. Individuals with this style essence create an overall visual impression of innocence and youthful femininity. Kibbe felt ingenue had no place in a system with grown adults so he eliminated it and created his own variations of the style archetypes McJimsy had laid out. Now let's see what boyish clothing does to someone who does not have the gamine style essence. Feline jungle animals such as cheetahs and leopards best sum up this style essence. And they also do well with structured menswear. Bags can be slouchy, belts a bit unruly. This is completely incorrect and only further biases your views of the IDs and essences. Although this style essence is feminine like the romantic essence, it is a childlike, innocent cuteness as opposed to the mature, sensual femininity of the Romantic. Even if it's just one item of the outfit, make a statement. As blend between square and circle, the classic silhouette is slightly fitted and is neither too long nor too short. We could apply other adjectives to these words as well, but I find it to best be described simply so as not to further confuse or bias your understanding. Extravagant collars, extra buttons and pockets are not something the classic style essence requires. 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