People have know idea how much nic they are getting into their systems. That means anytime you come into contact with nickel, your immune system will respond and produce an allergic response. 2. Sick for almost two months, once I got the itch and rash I knew I was allergic to something. Most of those Ive met who get the worst symptoms were never heavy smokers in the first place. Quite scary so have stopped using ecig last night and wondering how long it will take to feel normal again If you've already been diagnosed with nickel allergy and are sure you're reacting to nickel exposure, use the over-the-counter treatments and home remedies your doctor has previously recommended. I can hardly talk and after 24 hours its gone down but it really hurts, I vaped in various forms over the past two years with no problem then bam, this starts happening which is really weird. Ran out of ciggs and smoked a ecig for about 2 days sporadically. Marijuana vaping has also increased dramatically among teens. I started using ecig about a month ago and after 2 weeks I suddenly felt very bad. Thanks for your time. Common items that may expose you to nickel include: Some extremely sensitive people may be affected by nickel-containing foods. European Union legislation currently limits the amount of nickel released from metals in prolonged contact with the skin and it is hoped that the allergy may become less common in the future. Worked well for me maybe it can help. I went back to smoking my cannabis medicine and feel wonderful now, but I have an ongoing fear that any chest/breathing issue is going to erupt into this torture again and it is something I never want to feel again.I would gladly take the worst toothache or back pain imaginable before ever having to go through this again. The not being able to swallow sometimes is what is truly scary. So itchy it is driving me crazy!!!! soaps, etc. I ended up getting TopBox Mini and Ruthless E-Juice and launched my sweet vaping career. The specifics arent being covered. I suspect this is an issue with the device. The rest of the night I had very little sleep and awoke with swollen eyelids and a very itchy rash on my hands, palms and thighs. Seeing these posts has me convinced but I know she wont accept it because its already been discussed within the family thats what it is and she thinks its bull. Regulated (Voltage / Wattage / 3.7v/ Temp Control) . Chamblee, GA 30341-3717. Sometimes it lasts a few days and disappears. Stainless steel wire is an alloy composed primarily of chromium, nickel, and carbon. I used Ultima electrolytes to replenish my body. Thing is. I wondered if this is what it was from? Trying to stop but the nicotine got me. My problem is I find it way to easy to chain vape. With a low nickel diet improvement of symptoms. Is anyone else experiencing an itchy head?? Red somewhere that the PG in e-liquid causes these triggerpoints. Funnily enough no, I found another one that worked. I have been going on and off on e-cig and every time I quick e-cig and back to smoking my stuffy nose condition improved so I know they are related. Many of the metals used in orthopaedic surgical implants are immunologically active and can cause hypersensitivity reactions. 6 or so months later I was missing cigarettes a lot, and talked to my friend about it as just random convo and he suggested I try e-cigarettes. Do any of you know anything about this or why? Some foods that contain high amounts of nickel include soy products, peas, canned foods, cocoa powder, clams and cashews. The most common culprit in vape allergic reactions is propylene glycol (PG), a commonly used base in vape juice. I have Nickel or nickel sulfate hexahydrate is a common allergen that causes contact dermatitis in sensitized individuals. its got so bad I had to visit the GP who has told me to stop it straight away, and given me antibiotics? Interestingly, both traditional and e-cigarette consumption by non-smokers was found to provoke short-term effects on platelet function, increasing platelet activation (levels of soluble CD40 ligand and the adhesion molecule P-selectin) and platelet aggregation, although to a lesser extent with e-cigarettes []. Top of Page. I started vaping 2 years ago. The only other brand i can use is made by STARFIRE without having any symptons. General Category. When this happens, you have contact dermatitis. The headaches are killer. Better than lung cancer or emphysema. I quit smoking cigs using vaping and wooo I think it was like 6 weeks no cigs THEN I noticed a few bumps on my skin ( face ) then a little bit of tingle on my lips and then red bumps on my scalp then more red bigger bumps on my face. VGs much nicer, since that prob. Goi g to put a steroid cream see if that helps and going to switch to veg glycerine and maybe 0 nicotine. Its in a lot of stuff! Nickel allergy commonly develops following ear piercing and the use of metal jewellery. IF YOU BLAME THE ENTIRE ECIG, THEY WILL NEVER FIND THE CULPRIT AND THEY *WILL* BE BANNED. Its an old thread this but eh . A big red bite appeared under my armpit! I quit vaping altogether, threw away my TopBox Mini, ending my short and sweet but painful journey with vaping. The itching after I scratched the bumps becomes incredible swollen and sore and like someone else said, I want to crawl out of my skin. I want to keep vaping, and people need to band together to find out what is causing the issues, and ELIMINATE the issue if possible. Many disscussion abouth Using Deffrent PG/VG or Attomizer but i think result can be the same . What worries me now is that spits of eliquid from the tank models could get into your head. People are screaming about it and no one wants to try to put the pieces together to see if a common denominator can be found. Juice: Mt baker Gwar German choc beefcake. any advice PLEASE. I will post a reply after I get my products in a few days and have had a chance to see if its made a difference. These include sinus problems, headaches and nausea, and in some cases numbness of the face and itchy hives. As of September 2019, there are more than 450 . be eliquid but is.i had canker sores on side of tongue,everlasting headaches that nothing helps.My body hurts everywhere,like my insides are too big for my outside.1 month phlegmy cough that appetite and rotten sleep.i know it sounds like a lot but am going to stop ecig and see if improves,my doctor cant find anything wrong with me but never thought to tell her about ecig.if not regulated which I didnt know,who knows whats in these,not like we can test it?so if anyone has any of these symptoms try like me to not use for at least a week.cant hurt.please try,not worth our health,BE STRONG!!!! Would love to hear from anyone thats dealing with this debilitating sh*t. SRose, The dangers of tobacco notwithstanding, it surely cannot be good for your tissues to be in a constant inflammatory state from vape! As a reminder, every e liquid bottle carries the toxic sign, unless it contains no nicotine. I believe analogues have more than 18 mg., depending on the brand. I started trying different ejuices from various providers, and even changed to a TS3 device, but without much improvement of my symptoms (which would crop up sporadically, eventually culminating in mouth sores at the base of my tongue and on the inside of my cheeks, especially in the area of the bite ridge of my inner left cheek). Boo hoo. I didnt break out at all but it has been a week off it and slowly the hives r coming back, itching mostly at night. I have used various flavors and different appliances to vape, and until a few days ago have really enjoyed vaping. Two weeks later, I had to return to the hospital and was admitted for 4 days. I too had sores on the sides of my tongue and hives in my upper body. I have used e cigs before but not as a rule. I had a rash on my leg for almost 2 years. 2020; doi:10.2174/1871530320666200128141900. At first I used pg based juices with no noticeable side effects but a few weeks ago started to experience chest tightness and pain, which definitely was linked to the ecigs. Now, Im not saying its not the PG causing all of this because we all know that everything under the sun has side effects but, I have made an appt. I recently started smokin the ecig and still smoked cigarettes after 2 days i started having feelings in my body as if i was a drug abuser not having drugs in my system and were so severe that i was having body spazms, feelings like i wanted to jump out of my skin shaky overall horrible sleep, sweating and lethargy. I am not in a place to quit cold turkey so Im back on analogues because I dont know what else to do. 2022 Jun 17;S2213-2198(22)00584-. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2022.06.005. This juice is incredible but super strong in flavor, I have considered 100% vg but really I think the problem lies with the amount I vape, as I say its just too easy to vape non stop all day every day, who cares what does it, its vaping in general that is my problem, too much everything! Then of course you become more aware of even the slightest itch and worry about not scratching it in case it grows and spreads like those on the back of my head. Ill never vape again, did it for about two months and was probably the worse chose I ever made. Off rythmn and 10% lung capacity. Are they Teflon? Its an itchy patchy burning needles type feeling with little pricks in different parts of my body. Nicotine level at start of issues such as leg cramps: 1.8 Symptoms and Triggers. Im now on day 3 with Nicorette spray to quit the vaping habit because I vaped (responsibly) 12mg ejuice. The reaction may last as long as 2 to 4 weeks. Until one night, while I was sitting on my couch, it happened! When i made the switch to VG only, my legs would itch after i had showered. Pressure in ears/crackling and the sensation of your ear drum beingI dont knowsuctioned with certain noises. I grabbed my ecig and just sat there thinkingwhat has changed in my life? Nickel allergy: How to avoid exposure and reduce symptoms. Did you try turning your device all the way down? I was a thirty year smoker and gave up cigarettes over a year ago thanks to vaping. Am I really gonna have to quit nicotine entirely ? My lips are super drive and so is my mouth.My ears are always ringing when I do any physical activity. This needs to get publicised big time. HERE IS WHAT I AM NOTICING THAT IS RATHER INTERESTING. My nose has been inflamed and sore. I then did a search and came across this article and comments from people with similar reactions to mine. Im off the e cigs now for 1 month and down to 10 mg prednisone and tapering down. Ive been on Njoy e cigg for one year now. . My goodness, I had an allergic reactions to penicillin once, did I stop getting antibiotics when bacteria was running riot in my body? I have stopped 2 hours now and feeling lost without my dummy but cant believe some of the symptoms Im reading on here! But the more I scratched them, the more really painful they became. My muscles hurt cramping in legs and forearms. Hard to quit these things but will have to for a couple of days at least. We touch our face? What's new. I quit everything for about 7 months and like an idiot started smoking normal cigarettes, today after only 3 days on an ecig trying to quit again, I have woken up with swollen hands and one side of my tongue has swollen up to the point on not being able to talk. Rob, Im no doctor, but if you really have hives all over your chest, what you need to do is stop using e-cigs immediately, at least so you can confirm its the PG thats causing them. Another one thought: People that INCREASE mods over time are taking in a lot more vapor than the early starter kit they once had at first. Anyone out there experiencing this? You play you pay. Family doctor had several test ran but all normal. Little is known about the effect of vaping on the immune system. I read through a lot of comments here. Is usually gone by the next morning. I have been using e cigs for the last 5 months.i have suffered uncontrollable itching (HIVES) Youre probably going through some ill after effects of nicotine overdose. Nickle? I didnt realize that it was the vape because i forget everything so i kept vaping and it just got worse. Explore lung, breathing and allergy disorders, treatments, tests . It may be found in dental restorations, orthopaedic prostheses, cosmetics, stainless steel cutlery, pots and pans, costume jewellery . I fit really isnt happening for you, dont go back to analogues. UK has just as good e liquid I think youre talking rubbish. So I only vape when i drink, every time I vape it feels like i have bug crawling on me. I finally deduced that all of this started when I switched to ecigs. YOU WOULD BE INCLUDING THE INFO THAT I JUST MENTIONED IN THE LIST, SO PEOPLE COULD USE A PROCESS OF ELIMINATION, AND SOME EXPERTS COULD NARROW DOWN THE ISSUE. Sometimes it results in me crying. Instead, 5 days ago I cut alcohol, coffe, chocolate, and dairy (Im gluten intolerant and decided to try paleo AIP cause I was feeling like sh***). I used PG with nicotine first at a very low %. Previous Nic level at headaches: 1.2 Nickel is a chemical that is widely used in utensils, jewelry . If it stops these God damn ulcers tho its my only option. Rash has spread all over my body, my appetite is non existent, and my sleep sucks. What most vapers dont know is that the wide majority of flavorscome in a base of propylene glycol, so even though its advertised as 100% vegetable glycerin, it can still contain various amounts of PG and cause allergic reactions. Vaping is when you use a handheld device to breathe in a mist ("vapor"). Ive been using a protank and mod dripper. My cousin and I (who is a doctor) have done some research on PG. How exactly are you getting exposed to the nickel in the batteries? Anyway, swallowing problems, mucus buildup in throat, chest problem like heartburn feelings. If your hands have to touch nickel, wearing gloves may help. Look it up and you will see that it is antifreeze, tastes sweet to dogs, they will lick it up and it kills them. 10 days now without using this staff and I feel great day, An allergy specialist who was also a bio chemist suggested that it may be a chemical toxicity issue allergy and recommended I take glutathione. Its ecig poisoning. Been using Bucks 18mg for a while. It might be the nicotine if you have any. The main only side effect I had Vaping, was that High PG made me a bit Dehydrated, I had to more than tripple my water intake when vaping high PG, just to keep my skin from peeling of my fingers! I have been vaping for 4 months with a MVP and Mega tank and have been breaking out in itchy hives on my legs, arms, and body. At one point I tried the e cig again thinking maybe that wasnt it and woke up with my eyes swollen shut and my lips 3 times my normal size. ), infection, heightened allergic reactions(your cortisol is raised by smoking so it does have antihistamine-like effects), fainting so it can get bad but keep with it in moderation if necessary. I have found that taking allergy pills and using Gold Bond medicated lotion helps to decrease these symptoms. Just on the top. Even when the decongestants manage to clear up my nose, my ears are still horribly stuffed up. Although nichrome should be avoided if you have a nickel allergy and to an extent stainless steel vape wires, for flavour alone lots of vapers believe these two types offer the best flavour for vaping. All I know is Id rather smoke or quit cold turkey than deal with the side effects of e-cigs that I have dealt with in the past. Im a mess. I was so sick vaping that i knew that something wasnt right.listen to your body and quit denying it like I did. Your response made my eyes pop because it is exactly what I am experiencing. Thats because you are poisoning yourself. I bought a kit just yester day I do have asthma and I am on inhalers and things started to use e cig about 2 hour later e was odd and I thought my face was being walked on by spiders my tong odd my eyes felt odd as well Keep money in a bag, purse or wallet rather than loose in trouser pockets. So Im dosing all day everywhere. now i am using 70pg/30vg and suspect the pg of being the problem here!! Had to quit the e-sigaret. On the way to the doctors now. Been washing sheets and covers on the weekly. I stop and 20 minutes later was back to normal. They found a significantly higher level of these metals in the vapour than in the eliquid, and concluded that something inside the vaping devices was leaching metal into the eliquid either while . Drink plenty of water, might just be me but I get dehydrated when vaping. Im pretty certain its the vaporizer. Its entering your blood through your skin and your body is getting sick. I think you should thin pure VG with water or alcohol so it doesnt clog your e-cig. There is just too many things that we dont know about them. im allergic to the perfume they put in soap. Nickel allergy is often associated with earrings and other jewelry. Where do people think they come from in bulk? My current concerns: You have been warned. Youre lying. I went to a few different doctors, not linking this to the e-cigs. Also, we need to remember that liquid nicotine is POISON. Recently I swiched from vaping to e-cigs, Vuse brand, and I started feeling even worse! Tried vaping for 3 weeks and have had an 2 abscesses on my gum. NB Gold plated and 9ct gold jewellery can contain nickel; 18 and 24ct gold does not contain nickel. looking around the forum a post from Andy jumped out, he had been vaping for 4 years then started to feel unwell, There is defiantly a connection between liquid Nic, PG / VG and other additives in vaping as there are loads of other forums where people are becoming unwell / sick when vaping, and only start to improve in health when they cut right down or stop altogether. I can have rashes on my hands for 5 days straight applying the cream twice a day and it never leaves. I did find out that most flavourings are in a PG base, and therefor, even concocting my own juice will result in about 10% PG content probably enough to trigger a reaction in an allergic individual. I have copd to and have found with the ecig i can breath loads better(It did take a little while tho), i am experiecing a burning of my skin all over my body.i have stopped a couple of days but when I test again. I had the doc out 2 days ago and he said it looked like an allergic reaction. Itchy rash could be contact dermatitis. Titanium razor blades are nickel-free. Change to a lower strength e-liquid. I smoked for 30 years, and I truly dont want to go back. I just started vaping with a new tank and a new flavor. I went to the dr and found out it was thrush. I put on rubbed some Hydrocortisone cream on it and its has stopped the itching. Srose, I believe it is nicotine allergy cause I was smoking regular cig and then e-cig and the headaches and neck pain come back shortly after taking a drag from either. One year of denying my bodys reaction of itchy burning skin, itchy nose, scalp itchy with sore breakouts. It started with an unusual breakout on my right upper chest that was gradually moving over to the left chest. . Again, completely random, no patterns. There is a reason it caps at 600 farenheit. But yes, it is happening, it is caused by propylene glycol and its not good for you. I have been vaping tsunami brand e cig with 12mg juice for about 5 months now and it was going great untill the last 2 weeks every time I use it now I get red blisters on th back of my throat and have pain in my ears. Sometimes the swelling is so bad that i cant leave my house. I mix my own juice with pure ingredients from a reputable lab based in the USA. Hi LS, I have an online sterling silver jewelry store. Only two days last week trying an ecig. I tried just not useing it for 3 days and had no pain at all, but when I tried it again it came right back. Sry to hear yoyr all running into difficulties, hope you all get to the bottom of whatevers causing these symptoms! I had systemic problem and they are at a loss to what it was. Its pretty damn miserable Im only 28, but feel 80. Extreme flu like symptoms and in extreme cases death. i just got into vaping.been using it for about a week trying to quit smoking because im having trouble i decided to try 5days using vape i only smoked 2 cigs..but the thing is.i feel like im going to have a fever i also get slight headache numbness in my arms everytime i only using 6mg of nicotine because i only smoke 5-8cigs a not sure if im allergic to the pg/vg thingy or maybe im smoking alot more than i used to.. Me to!Ive had a tightening in my back,numbing sensation,thought it was pneumonia,starting taking antibiotics,didnt help,then I knew it was vaping,I really dont think its wise to inhale liquid anything!Still feeling sick, I quit smoking over two years ago but in the last six months I began vaping. vaping with nickel dangerous ?? Its a toxic feeling. 70vg/30pg cuttwood flavor juice for about 1 year. We will see what happens. It's a allergic reaction to the Chrome and Nickel used in chrome plating the Tank systems. I recommend those experiencing mouth issues should rinse after every vape with mouthwash, saltwater, or hydrogen peroxide. Apparently, the only thing to do now is just to quit all forms or smoking and see what happens to me now. Have tried reducing nicotine? I hope this helps. However, it's not always easy to avoid nickel because it's present in so many products. This is getting as expensive as cigs. has a long list of medications that include PG and I have been prescribed 2 of those before but never had this reaction. The rash went away in about one week of stopping the e-cig with PG. Unbelievable work environment. The feeling is just like my whole body and blood have been severely poisoned and Im dying. Wow just scrolled threw the comments, I thought I was the only one. It could be nicotine withdrawal. This is all unregulated, if I ever heal up it took weeks on all kinds of medication. Would be interested to know if the Dr.s visit helped you, and if you switched to VG from PG. Soo know I Quit vapping the Symtom slowly gone and i feeling better. Lately its been getting worse very sick feeling of depression, almost Been vaping 3 years. I cut out eggs, instant coffee, milk and more. Nickel allergy is a common cause of allergic contact dermatitis an itchy rash that appears where your skin touches a usually harmless substance. These symptoms can disrupt your daily life, by causing discomfort, sleep loss, and lower productivity at work. Thank you! I wake in the night and have a puff, I wouldnt have a regular smoke during the night! Hi, Ive been vaping for 3 plus years and my health has decreased so badly that i am basically bed bound with fatigue,headaches, nausea , rashes on face and backs of hands stomach pain, burning mouth/tongue also feeling faint and currently have bright red blood coming from my left sinus too. They really hurt. Due to nobody being sure on here, I will quit vaping all together and see if it helps. Every time I vape it starts bring up tons of phlem. I read a comment uptop that the rashes start after you quit? I started experiencing sore mouth, numbness in mouth, earache and mist of all nausea . its very intense? Between 1.5 and 3.5 percent of people have a contact allergy to PG (although there is some uncertainty about the precise number), and in these cases, small bumps may be present around your mouth, accompanied by a burning or stinging . New posts. Did the prednisone shot and antihistamines help? Dermatologists need to inquire about vaping, especially when patients present with contact dermatitis or burn injuries. I use organic liquid seems to be less irritating.I might have to quit because of the eye lid issues. 1. seraph089 1 yr. ago. You should definitely stop using e-cigs for a while, to see if your condition improves, and if youre not ready to give up on them yet, maybe try a different model and another e-liquid. Im using V2 menthols. Dry patches of skin that may resemble a burn, Blisters and draining fluid in severe cases, Other jewelry, including rings, bracelets, necklaces and jewelry clasps, Clothing fasteners, such as zippers, snaps and bra hooks, Watchbands made of leather, cloth or plastic, Zippers or clothing fasteners made of plastic or coated metals. My diet smoothie and chloraseptic. My collection is high quality, modern and beautiful! VAPING e-cigarettes could trigger deadly allergic reactions and "chemical" asthma, experts have warned. 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Taking allergy pills and using Gold Bond medicated lotion helps to decrease these symptoms to one of the or. Bond medicated lotion helps to decrease these symptoms the perfume they put in.! Yes, it is exactly what i am experiencing vaping and it never.. Needles type feeling with little pricks in different parts of my body itchy... Used e cigs now for 1 month and down to 10 mg prednisone and down!