Here is a curated list of some of the better ones it generated: It could probably generate quite a few more good names given enough time and appropriate prompts. The crags of the sirens it seems to be translated as? 1 Epstein Drive I was just rewatching season 2 and there was a brief scene where the Jefferson Mays was granted permission to dock (on Tycho I believe). It also generates some amusingly bad names: Here are some honorable mentions which are creative, but insufficiently menacing: Heart of the Tempest became one of my favorite sci fi ships of all time based on her appearance Persepolis Rising. UNS Arboghast was a scientific vessel commandeered and retrofitted to investigate protomolecule activities at the impact site on Venus. As it neared, the station's defending Stealth ship launched missiles at the Guy Molinari but the Rocinante intercepted them and then the two ships engaged in Point Defense Cannon (PDC) fire as they neared each other. Ships of the Expanse is available as a hardcover book for $39.95 (with an estimated shipping date of the first quarter of 2021) and a PDF for $19.95. Digital copies are also available via DriveThruRPG. Heres a full list of the ships that will be included in the final product: I'll try and think more and see what I can find out. Propulsion The Rocinante has possessed three various liveries between its service with the MCRN as the Tachi and its time as an independent warship, as displayed below: Originally commissioned as the MCRN Tachi, the Corvette was one of Donnager's original assigned escorts when the McCabe and Valenza were replaced with 4 of the new Morrigan-class to improve the battleship's area of control. The Rocinante is freed from the Ring Space's speed limit thanks to Holden's plan to shut down every ship to make them not a threat to the Ring station. WebOther Laconian ships are easier, pretty much any sort of meteorological term will fit the naming convention (Monsoon or Mammatus (after the cloud)) for example. Other Laconian ships are easier, pretty much any sort of meteorological term will fit the naming convention (Monsoon or Mammatus (after the cloud)) for example. It became the Rocinante after being refitted at Tycho Station. I think the conventions do exist in each of the major organizations, but because most ship names we hear or corporate or independent there's no convention to follow. Eventually, Joe Miller convinces the crew to slow down and stop its pursuit of the asteroid. Eros station was a small asteroid-based station in the Belt with security provided by CPM in the latter part of its existence. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I'm late to this thread but I'm pretty sure everyone here is wrong. I don't recall it in the books though. :). After all fusion reactors stop working over Ilus, the Rocinante has to save the Barbapiccola from entering the planet's atmosphere. ago WebThe Expanse has recently aired its final episode on Amazon Prime, after 6 excellent seasons. The bay, however, was swarming with enemy boarders. Anubis sounds deathly, fitting considering its payload and the fact it became a tomb. 158 (former) When executing their plan, the Edward Israel launches its explosives-rigged shuttle at the Roci but Alex manages to destroy it. Ive always been pushing to make the ships more and more cramped, make everything a little tighter, a little smaller, ceilings a little lower, said Breck Eisner, While in a recon mission near an asteroid in the Belt, the Roci is ambushed by a Free Navy fighter skiff. Also, almost every mythbuster has been mentioned. Armament By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Never laughed as much with other sci-fi novels. Alex Kamal reactivates the Rocinante's fusion reactor and targets locks the Edward Israel to keep it from escaping. General Information The Pella is the flagship of the Free Navy. They even reference that with the Miller, I believe, sections where he basically says how unoriginal some names can be. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Please check your email to find a confirmation email, and follow the steps to confirm your humanity. SoldierOf4Chan Additional comment actions [1], The Weeping Somnambulist is a relief and refugee ship working to assist Ganymede. The Rocinante's normal crew complement was well over a dozen navy personnel and officers, and on many missions the ship would also carry at least six marines. Then they were driven out by armed vigilantes- starting the exodus that eventually led them to Utah and Idaho. If you like memorable ship names, you should read John Scalzis Interdependency series. Martian Congressional Republic Navy (formerly)Rocicorp Lieutenant Lopez(Commanding Officer)Rocinante: (Main). When the Zmeya running engine-less to avoid detection discovers that it's being shadowed by the Rocinante, it turns to full burn to escape, triggering a pursuit. Something like what they had in Mass Effect would be very cool indeed! I asked OpenAI text-davinci-002 for some names. Web1 Canterbury 1.1 Thoth Spin Station 1.2 Guanshiyin 2 United Nations 2.1 Earth 2.2 Luna 2.3 Nathan Hale 2.4 Arboghast 2.5 Agatha King 2.6 Thomas Prince 2.7 Seung Un 2.8 Very fitting for the bait for the Cantebury left near an asteroid. I thought that was a nice Easter egg. Green Ronin Publishing, the team behind The Expanse tabletop role-playing game, has an exciting new book on the way. "If I have to board one more ship named after some kid or girl who got left behind after a magic weekend on Titan, I might just shoot some people for general lack of creativity.". Before combat is initiated, Captain Camina Drummer leads a mutiny aboard the Tynan, fires a missile which disables the Dewalt's engines and orders Mowteng to stand down (both ships belonging to her own faction). The Roci then quickly hugged the habitat ring of the station as protection from the Stealth ship. Both my wife and I had a really good chuckle at that one. I'm wondering if the Canterbury had other shuttles at some point in her history with names like the Friar, the Miller, or the Man of Law You know it's an actual city as well right? 34 For no reason at all, I think about that little sling-shotter that could. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Ships of the Expanse was created with the help of the original authors. But also, now you know what your ship looks like, so that if youre doing the ship-to-ship combat or space combat, youve got an idea of how that fits into your tactical plan.. The surprise squall. Marasmus was a rental out of Pallas Station carrying Aid Without Allegiance relief activists. It's perfect. 6 Nariman Dynamics 40mm Point Defense Cannons2 Torpedo launchers (each carrying 10 torpedoes for a total of 20))keel-mounted railgun (Season 4-6) The Tynan is a Belter ship owned by Klaes Ashford and later Drummer. Another one I was impressed with the naming convention is in Halo lore. A moon of Jupiter with intense tectonic and volcanic activity while immersed in radiation. Digital copies are also available via DriveThruRPG. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Spacedock 365K subscribers Subscribe 8.6K Share Save 345K views 4 years ago As our Force Recon Scale Charts are now I'm pretty sure there was a "Charles Boyle" at one point. He's flirting a bit with Naomi at the time. Arriving at a lone asteroid, the Rocinante encountered a seemingly inactive stealth ship, found to be the Anubis and the Cant's killer, bound for Eros from Phoebe but never arrived. The asteroid is then blown up while the Rocinante burns away. Sobel said that the book, which is available for pre-order starting today, will include nearly 30 ships pulled from the lore of The Expanse. Agatha King - someone from our future (or Agatha Christie/Stephen King). With all the missiles destroyed, Holden activates the Roci's railgun and disables the Zmeya's drives, but as the Roci prepares to board the Free Navy ship, the Zmeya self-destructs. I hope the TV crew gets a chance to put it on the big screen one day. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. That trilogy was amazing! When Eros moves on its own, the Rocinante chased after it and eventually is used to target lock the asteroid for UN missiles to destroy it. The LDSS Nauvoo was recovered and retrofitted to become an ad hoc battleship, the Behemoth. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, General Discussion (All Show & Book Spoilers Must Be Tagged). Or Ian M Banks 'Culture' series. I am convinced "The Witch of Endor" is a nod to the 2nd Ewok movie, which was a favorite of mine as a kid. Fortunately, Kenzo Gabriel (who had just been caught sending out a rogue signal) informed the Roci's crew that, being a Martian gunship, there would be secret codewords for when they were working in covert ops and needed to be left alone, which Alex confirmed as he recalled an incident he witnessed while serving in the Martian Navy, which involved an unidentifed ship. After Holden disables the drive and boards the Roci, Naomi informs the crew of her discovery of where the signals to launch the drive came from a ship called the Azure Dragon. The Roci crew then launch a drone to explore the asteroid and discover an Epstein drive strapped to the rock. is a Morrigan-class patrol destroyer that was disabled in the UN-MCR War. WebThe Expanse is an American science fiction television series that premiered on December 14, 2015, on Syfy. Being painted and modified to hide it's MCRN origins, Being overhauled and repaired in Tycho Station. Landing gear (Season 4-6)Carbon silicate lace plating (Season 6) Another bad weather boat. There are ones named after fictional characters like Dagny Taggart (from Ayn Rands Atlas Shrugged) and Mark Watney (protagonist of The Martian, though its possible Watney is intended to exist in the Expanse universe.) Yeah one thing I was thinking is there should be sort of naming themes. Holden orders to engage the ships to give the Razorback time to save Naomi. Please note I haven't yet finished A moon of Jupiter with a large terraformed crop area under domes. Eventually, the Roci moved over the habitat ring to attack and destroy both the Stealth ship and an anti-asteroid canon that had destroyed one of the breaching pods. The Expanse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Press J to jump to the feed. The Rocinante It so does not sound like a Corvette Class, fast-attack torpedo bomber. Donnager-Class - Category:Spaceships | The Expanse Wiki | FANDOM The K.C. The Expanse is a space opera, mystery-sci-fi drama television series on Prime Video based on the bestselling novels by James S. A. Corey. Yeah, but I had to make up short nicknames for his human/AI character names lol. Lucky Starr Lucky Starr - The protagonist of the Isaac Asimov book series of the same name. The Donnager It just sounds big and bad-ass. That's where Elon gets the drone recovery ship names from. The Rocinante then goes to Luna with the surviving crew to meet up with Avasarala and to pickup Amos and Clarissa Mao. The final novella, The Sins of Our Fathers, will be released March 15, 2022. The Expanse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. We debated organizing them by size class, but in the end, alphabetical seemed best for easy reference. Haha I hated the Laconian ship names. But you might not have guessed that if you only saw the shows sets. ", "Tachi" is a Japanese word and may have the following meaning in a military context: (1) Tachi () being type of sword predating the Katana. Weeping Somnambulist is probably my favourite, but I love the ones that are just peoples' names too. The name of the ship is provided on the website. They may also travel into the Ring network, and into many other planetary systems. The evolution of the Rocinante: Seth Reeds initial sketch, North Fronts early variants, elevations, block-in and refined models, and graphics pass. Rules will allow players to use the vessels for ship-to-ship combat and as the settings for their own adventures and encounters. He was the Egyptian god of the underworld before he got displaced by Osiris. Alex enthusiastically suggested naming their new ship "Flamin' Alamo" or "Screamin' Firehawk" to which Holden refused, suggesting the name "Rocinante" instead. Holden however reaches them in time and uses the Roci's PDCs to get them aboard the ship. I mean who can keep a straight face when you see that a ship is named 'Yes sir, that's my baby'. According to nautical lore, naming your vessel after a storm or natural disaster will bring bad luck (so said Poseidon, allegedly). I've read somewhere that Anubis is currently involved in an never-ending battle with Oma Desala Also, in the book, there's a brief mention of the freighter "Bad Motherfucker" registered to the 'MYOFB Corporation' out of Luna. The series was developed by Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby, based on the series of novels by Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck, writing under Pre-orders of the 144-page sourcebook are now live, and the digital version will be ready as soon as this November. Your names don't feel quite right. Pella bore Alexander the Great who later saw Persepolis, capitol of the once great Persian Empire, fall. Why not name a ship after the very first colonist. The Knight The Caterbury shuttle which Holden and team took to investigate the Scopuli. Security officers on Ceres station are under contract to Star Helix Security, an Earth-based corporation. Prax is working on the cargo bay shield. The Expanse, a wildly popular series of science fiction books and a beloved television series, was adapted into a role-playing game thanks to a crowdfunding campaign in 2018. When the crew of the Roci receives a distress signal from the Razorback which has Deputy undersecretary Chrisjen Avasarala who and Martian Marine Bobbie Draper who are being chased to be assassinated by a UNN Leonidas-class battleship. December 14, 2015, on Syfy and Idaho, an Earth-based corporation large terraformed crop area domes! Press question mark to learn the rest of the original authors deathly, fitting considering its payload the. The latter part of its existence read John Scalzis Interdependency series Asimov book series of the keyboard.! My wife and I had to make up short nicknames for his human/AI character names lol you should John! 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