The device broke world Archaeologists excavating Liang Tebo Cave on the Indonesian island of Borneo have discovered the skeletal , China Turns on its Artificial SunHeres What You Need to Know, Archaeologists Uncover Upper Paleolithic Proto-Writing System, Hoard of Silver Coins from Maccabean Revolt Found in Israel, 15,700-Year-Old Projectile Points Found in Idaho, 320,000-Year-Old Cutmarked Bones Provide Evidence for Exploitation of Bear Skins, Pottery Vessels Reveal Connections between Prehistoric European Hunter-Gatherer Communities, Footprint of a Prehistoric Structure Uncovered Near Prague, Stone Age Humans Conducted Surgical Amputation 31,000 Years Ago, Solar Orbiter Spacecraft Solves Magnetic Switchback Mystery,, Study Suggests Hominin Could Walk and Swing Through Trees, Iron Age Weapons Found at Hillfort Site in Germany, Site of Harriet Tubmans Childhood Home Located in Maryland, Umberto Moruzzi: Genesis of evaluation. The impact of these events can reach far beyond our galaxy, wreaking havoc upon any objects or living things caught in their path. Its arrival typically takes between one to four days depending on how far away it was emitted from the suns surface. What is the Russian army doing in Transnistria? MOX fuel: What is it, and how is it used? However, the sad reality is that due to the current conditions, only small colonies of people would be able to survive like this, and only if they were prepared and trained in advance. Puzzle to Test Your IQ: Only Explorer Brains can spot the Hidden Treasure inside Map in 9 secs! Unfortunately, you would not live to see it. Xinhua. The development of nuclear fusion energy would lead to solving Chinas energy requirements. Despite the fact that life as we know it quite literally revolves around the sun, at the end of the day it is little more than a great, big star. Institute of Plasma Physics director Song Yuntao said: [The experiment] once again challenged the world record. It is one of the most powerful events in space, releasing more energy than anything else in the universe. Geomagnetic storms have been known to affect GPS navigation accuracy & disrupt some airline flights over polar regions due to increased radiation exposure risk for crew members & passengers alike! if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'odysseymagazine_com-box-4','ezslot_3',130,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-odysseymagazine_com-box-4-0'); When CMEs arrive at Earths magnetosphere they interact with its magnetic field causing an increase in charged particles around our planet leading to what we refer to as a geomagnetic storm. The good news is that our Sun is stable and isnt massive enough to explode into a supernova or transform into a black hole. A nuclear fusion reactor in China has set a new record for sustained high temperatures after running five times hotter than the sun for more than 17 minutes. Developing PlansOnce risks have been identified, then its time for stakeholders to create specific plans for responding should such a situation arise. The nightward-facing side of Earth might survive an extra minute before succumbing to the same fate. Implementing Safety MeasuresFinally, once plans are developed , safety measures need to be put into place before an emergency arises . Recently, EAST has set a new record in performing the fusion reaction for the longest time till now. For example, the Earths temperature underground is warmer the further down you go. Based on our current understanding of star phases, our Sun will most likely continue to shine for more than five billion years before it turns into a red giant and engulfs the terrestrial planets. New Delhi World Book Fair 2023: Check Date, Venue, Theme, Special Attraction and More. Unlike its name suggests, or fake Twitter videos would have you believe, EAST is not a floating sphere of light that was launched into the sky. After the sun dies, sunlight will no longer brighten up our days and nighttime will last forever. Even though the aforementioned scenario seems bleak, and it would make for a good movie, its most unlikely that it will ever happen. NASAWhen news of the potential comet impact spread, NASA was among the first to react. This is because the sound carried in space would be too faint. A video showing what appears to be a large ball of light being launched into the sky in China has gone viral online, gathering more than 1.5 million views on Twitter. Why China can make or break peace between the US and North Korea, Black History Month and the celebration of African American heritage, From survival mode to self-care: Quake survivors have come a long way, Colombia to Trkiye: A chefs journey to feed earthquake survivors, A father rummages through quake rubble to find his daughters' memories, International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. Join the discussion and participate in awesome giveaways in our mobile Telegram group. China had successfully activated its artificial sun, last year. EAST is estimated to cost China more than $1 trillion by the experiments end in June. You dont have to worry though only stars ten times the size of our sun, or This website follows the DNPA's code of conduct, Nicola Fox: ? While its true China has developed an artificial sun, the video circulating the internet is being falsely labelled and is actually an old video of a satellite rocket launch. China has already spent around 701 million on the project. The Sun in our galaxy produces energy through a nuclear fusion reaction. The EAST harnesses extremely high temperatures to boil hydrogen isotopes into a plasma, fusing them together and releasing energy. Inside the Sun, the hydrogen atoms collide with each other and fuse at extremely high temperatures - around 15 million degrees centigrade - under enormous gravitational pressure. However, this is untrue. China has successfully completed the first test of its nuclear fision reactor, known as "Artificial sun" because it mimics the energy-generation process of the Sun. Each star has its tale. How Long Does It Take To Get To Saturn? This is because the Sun is very far away from us, at around 150 million kilometers / 93 million miles on average. But as this process continues over time, eventually it will reach a point where there isnt enough fuel left for further fusion reactions to take place inside the core leading to gravitational collapse, or an implosion inward towards itself due to its immense mass being concentrated within a small area causing greater gravitational force between them. In May 2021, the EAST tokamak set a new record for the temperature achieved and plasma confinement time it managed to hold the plasma for 101 seconds at 120 million Kelvin and then plasma for 20 seconds at 160 million Kelvin. It is a way for me to share my passion for space, astronomy and stargazing with others. Trump's trade war with China will harm global economy, IMF. Mantenimiento, Restauracin y Remodelacinde Inmuebles Residenciales y Comerciales. According to renowned astrophysicist Dr. Chris Manser (via Warwick Knowledge Centre), the sun exploding suddenly would mean the end of the world. The HL-2M Tokamak nuclear fusion reactor The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) is also known as an artificial sun. If the Sun randomly exploded today or tomorrow, humanity wouldnt survive. What is the scariest thing about neutrinos is that they can travel through anything, so even if you are located on the other half of the Earth facing away from the Sun, you would suffer the same fate. Its main goal is to demonstrate the possibility of commercial use of a power reactor, in which reactions of synthesis of heavier elements from lighter ones take place, and to solve a number of physical and technological problems that arise when creating such a power plant. The main actor in our solar system is the Sun since it contains 99% of all matter. This is used to present users with ads that are relevant to them according to the user profile. Used by Google DoubleClick and stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement before visiting the website. The good news is that Earths core will remain hot for millions or possibly billions of years to come. If you enjoyed the read, then youll love the following articles. EAST gets its nickname 'artificial sun because this process of energy-generation, known as nuclear fusion, replicates the sun's physics. China could produce electricity from a proposed artificial sun in a decade if the project wins final approval from the government, according to one of the lead scientists. How dangerous is the Wuhan virus from China? Read all about the reactor, the fusion reaction and the challenges of Artificial Sun here. But the project has just hit an important milestone. When two atoms fuse, they release an enormous amount of energy. The Ultimate Guide To Hunting Season, Where To Buy A Telescope: The Ultimate Guide To Finding Your Perfect Scope. We've received your submission. In fact, it would put an end to the solar system as we know it, leaving behind a sky full of dead, cold planets doomed to circle the atmosphere in infinite darkness. KSTAR has fully superconducting magnetic coils, which are made of triniobium stannide and niobium-titanium and are cooled to a temperature of 4.5 Kelvin. How Many Miles Around The Earth Can You Fly? Brain Teaser to Test Your IQ: Help the Man in choosing the Safest Exit Door in 13 secs! The nuclear reaction also generates a large number of high-speed particles that can in turn damage buildings or human tissue if not properly contained. At the beginning of the new year, China switched its artificial sun on once again and achieved record-breaking temperatures. NASA Appoints Dr Nicola Fox to Lead Agencys Science Directorate, Know more about this Great Scientist, Western Naval Command: , . Receive our monthly newsletter with news, events, courses, conferences, etc. Graveyard of the unidentified: How Hatay is burying unclaimed quake victims, Show people, places and other topics in this story. Additionally, large amounts of radiation emitted by CMEs could interfere with radio signals used for emergency services like police dispatches or ambulance calls. The device broke world records after sustaining a nuclear reaction at 70 million degrees Celsius (158 million degrees Fahrenheit) for more than 17 minutes, state media Xinhua reported. Optical Illusion: Can you spot a hidden fish in the sea in 9 seconds? In the most optimistic scenarios, perhaps only bacterial and multicellular lifeforms hidden in the hydrothermal vents will survive. Space Giants: The biggest known stars to date. Nuclear reactors look like huge steel doughnut-shaped washing machines and absolutely do NOT release massive, slowly rising clouds of plasma.. The impact of humans on Earth has been so immense that it is impossible to ignore the effects our presence has had on other planets in our Solar System. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the website's key performance indexes, helping to provide a better user experience for visitors. This could include anything from natural disasters (e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes) to biological threats (e.g., pandemics). if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'odysseymagazine_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',133,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-odysseymagazine_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); One of the most striking examples of humanitys influence on space is our interference with Saturns largest moon, Titan. It is a collaboration of 35 countries integrated into the main seven members: China, European Union, India, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the United States. Chinas artificial sun ran for 20 minutes at a whopping 70 million degrees in its latest experiment five times hotter than the real sun. He said: Five years from now, we will start to build ourfusion reactor, which will need another 10 years of construction. Even aquatic creatures arent safe from harmUV radiation has been known to reduce oxygen levels in certain bodies of water which can lead to fish kills or algal blooms that upset delicate ecosystems. It would also provide for the future sustainable development of Chinas energy and national economy boosting. Since 2014, Daniela Agre's team has been conducting research in a Thracian-Roman, Archaeologists are exploring a unique complex near the Elhovo village of Stroyno,, Stefan Proynov: Sometimes we joke that the United States is like world police. When a star instantaneously explodes, the supernova effect that follows rocks the solar system with massive shockwaves and bursts of light. The more serious threats caused by these solar eruptions include power outages lasting anywhere between minutes up until several hours even days if severe enough; potential damage or destruction of satellites orbiting earth; disruption or complete failure of communications networks; degradation or total loss of Global Positioning System (GPS) signals used for navigation purposes; & finally potentially hazardous conditions for astronauts outside the protection provided by earths atmosphere during spacewalks/missions aboard spacecraft! Weve all heard stories about natural disasters, but what could we expect if our very own star were to meet its explosive end? In fact, the universe is home to many celestial behemoths. The kind of gravity the sun's mass yields is impossible on Earth. How to get tickets to Dreamville 2023: Presale and prices explored, Did China discover dinosaurs in uncharted land? This intense heat will cause fusion reactions within these elements, which releases tremendous amounts of energy in turn causing outward pressure to be exerted on all sides by radiation from nuclear reaction products like gamma rays and high-energy particles called neutrinos. The tokamak has previously achieved several world records in the area of hot plasma confinement time. These cookies help provide information on metrics, the number of visitors, the bounce rate, the source of traffic, etc. But in reality, creating the equivalent of an artificial sun is much harder. These types of explosions are very bright and very powerful. Apart from EAST, China is also operating the HL-2A reactor as well as J-TEXT. NASA/ESA/JHU/R.Sankrit & W.Blair via Wikimedia Commons. World police confiscate 650 antique gold vessels and jewelry. Ecological disturbance The biggest problem would be Eun-jin, K. (2021, November 23). The experiment was launched to replicate the process of nuclear fusion to match the reactions on the Sun. On top of that, they have teamed up with Japanese agency JAXA who are currently building a robotic spacecraft called Hayabusa2 which will be sent into deep space later this year in order to investigate asteroids like P/2019 LD2 more thoroughly than ever before possible by humans alone providing invaluable information about these mysterious objects from both a scientific standpoint as well as an engineering one! The reactor generates power by applying powerful magnetic fields to hydrogen to compress it until it creates a plasma that can reach temperatures of more than 150 million degrees Celsius, ten times hotter than the nucleus of the Sun, and generate enormous amounts of energy when the atoms fuse together. Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak reactor is a nuclear fusion experimental research device that is situated at the Institute of Plasma Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP) in Hefei, China. TikTok rumor explored, told state media, as reported by the Independent, What is the meaning of BFFR in texting? Para nosotros usted es lo ms importante, le ofrecemosservicios rpidos y de calidad. Young, C. (2022, January 3). More than 10,000 Chinese and foreign scientific researchers have worked together to bring to life the artificial sun. Spot The Difference: Can you spot 3 differences between the two pictures in 9 seconds? Underground farming is also possible using growth lamps, hydroponics, aeroponics, air-dynaponics systems, or container gardens. Twilight vs Dusk What is the Difference? In May, EAST achieved another milestone, running at a plasma or hot gas temperature of 120 million degrees for 101 seconds. The EAST project is a part of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor facility. If this were to happen to our sun, it would certainly be a spectacle to behold. Optical Illusions for IQ Test: Can you spot the Ladys hidden lover inside Vintage Picture in 11 secs? Brain Teaser: Are you Smart enough to Help the Police Catch the Bacon Thief in 4 Seconds? The plasma heats up to 10 times more than the core of the sun but is contained using magnets and supercooling technique. The video was for a rocket launch not an artificial sun. The tweeter includes a picture of a real nuclear fusion reactor, which produces a similar process that happens on the sun/star. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, China takes lead in arms race for unlimited energy for mankind with artificial sun, Mysterious galaxies baffling astronomers by missing key substance, China developing hypersonic nuke based on design ABANDONED by NASA, China spots mystery CUBE on the Moon and people think its a hut for aliens, machine will help harness the power of nuclear fusion. Essentially, yes. EAST also set another record in May last year by running for 101 seconds at an unprecedented 120 million degrees Celsius (216 million degrees Fahrenheit). A doughnut-shaped object in a building in China has blazed into life and it will reach temperatures hotter than the sun. Gong Xianzu, a researcher at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told Xinhua: The recent operation lays a solid scientific and experimental foundation towards the running of a fusion reactor.. Its important to note that the likelihood of the sun exploding is extremely low, but its still worth discussing the potential consequences of such an event. Whats really behind Huawei CFOs arrest? Spain participates through the European Union. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. As this happens faster than light can travel through space, shock waves are created radiating outwards throughout every direction at speeds near that of light itself resulting in what we call supernovas extremely bright flashes followed by large expanding clouds containing dust & debris from ejected material off gaseous layers expelled during this catastrophic event!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'odysseymagazine_com-leader-3','ezslot_13',136,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-odysseymagazine_com-leader-3-0'); A supernova is the most powerful and dramatic cosmic event, occurring when an immense star reaches the end of its life cycle. Chinas nuclear fusion reactor has made headlines this month after producing an artificial sun that was five times hotter than the real thing. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. High-energy particles from a solar flare have the capacity to short out electronic circuitry as they travel through space at speeds up to one million miles per hour; if they collide with satellites or other technology in orbit around Earth they could disrupt vital communications systems like GPS navigation and cell phone service. By continuing to use our website, you agree to our. Suppose the Suns explosion isnt so powerful, and neutrinos dont wipe us out. EAST broke KSTARs record in 2021 sustaining around 119 million degrees Celsius (216 million degrees Fahrenheit) for 102 seconds. In other news, What is the meaning of BFFR in texting? This temperature is even hotter than the Sun (over 10 times). In contrast, the core of the actual sun is around 15 million degrees Celsius (27 million degrees Fahrenheit). Chinas Artificial Sun has just hit a new nuclear fusion milestone. [An Astounding Number! Have you ever wondered what would happen if the sun suddenly and unexpectedly exploded? It is more frequently employed by nuclear weapons and power plants. Nuclear Engineering International. China is paving the way for clean energy sources, that is utilizing nuclear fusion energy. Understanding the effects of a supernova explosion on our planet can help us appreciate the fragility of life on Earth and the importance of studying our universe. In that case, the shockwaves produced from the explosion will most likely wipe out everything on the side of our planet facing the Sun. JAXA is also looking into ways we can defend ourselves against potentially hazardous comets or meteors by developing technology capable of deflecting them away from Earth if necessary something that could prove crucial if events like these were ever become imminent threats again someday down line! 10 Proteus Moon Facts | Cool Facts about Proteus, Solar flares are sudden bursts of radiation released by the sun, Coronal mass ejections(CME)are composed of high-energy particles, Geomagnetic storms triggered phenomena like auroras. As opposed to fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which are in danger of being exhausted and pose a threat to the environment, raw materials required for the artificial sun are almost unlimited on earth, says researcher Gong Xianzu in a press release. Therefore research into understanding more about how exactly they work should be encouraged strongly so that we dont find ourselves surprised one day by something unexpected happening suddenly dueif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'odysseymagazine_com-leader-4','ezslot_14',137,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-odysseymagazine_com-leader-4-0'); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We use cookies to give you the best online experience. Fusion is a very expensive process, but China's tests could help researchers in their search for ways to reduce costs. At the center of a star lies a core made up mostly of hydrogen and helium atoms that form whats known as plasma ionized gas with particles moving around freely at extreme temperatures. As opposed to fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which are in danger of being exhausted and pose a threat to the environment, raw materials required for the "artificial sun" are almost unlimited on earth. The other side of Earth would experience a rapid rise in temperature and would most likely be covered in darkness. , pandemics ) brain Teaser: are you Smart enough to explode into a hole! And neutrinos dont wipe us out sun randomly exploded today or tomorrow, wouldnt... Of all matter sun in our galaxy, wreaking havoc upon any objects living. Energy would lead to solving chinas energy requirements, Restauracin y Remodelacinde Inmuebles Residenciales Comerciales... World record sound carried in space, releasing more energy than anything in! Sun in our mobile Telegram group optical Illusion: Can you spot a hidden fish the. Has made headlines this month after producing an artificial sun, Did China discover dinosaurs in land. 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